Business Report Evaluation Paper
How effective does the report tell a story?
The report starts by introducing the company, its vision, mission, and information that uniquely captures it. The introduction gives the reader an overview of the company, what it has achieved, its history, and what it plans to achieve. This part is a story that tries to make the reader imagine and understand the company at a glance. It also introduces the part of the company that has proposed the new development (department) for the leader to understand the relevance and authenticity of the information that will be provided.
The report uses the headings to direct the reader on each topic. They help the readers to easily maneuver through the report with ease. Without the heading, the reader will have to read the whole report even if they need certain parts of it. For instance, in the title “Goal of the Report”, the reader automatically knows that the section will give information about the report and its purpose.
Graphical representation of data makes it easy to understand. Some trends, such as financial and operational, should be presented in charts. It makes the data easy to be visualized by the reader.
The information presented in the report is not reliable. This is due to the fact that the author of the report does not provide sources. Information that is not cited does not show accountability (Hunter, 2006).
What three aspects of the report would you like to model in your report writing?
The report had the following models I would use in my report writing: The report had organized and well-researched information. Market research is important in business report writing. It involves market research, data collection, analysis and presentation. The data can be sourced from the primary level through consumer research or secondary data. I would recommend using secondary data in my report since it will give a larger scope of information than primary data. The information helps convince the reader on various business aspects based on previous research findings. The research done in the report helps the audience make informed decisions. It was also important to state the method used to collect the data. This helps to support the data’s credibility, thus making decision-makers weigh the information’s importance. The data was also clearly presented using tables, graphs and charts to facilitate effective data visualization. Data presented using charts are easy to interpret since trends can be presented using various chart types.
Secondly, determining the findings or recommendations in the report is an important part that I would use in my report. The report writer showed a clear understanding of the market. Good understanding ensures that the business engages well with the target market to achieve a desirable business target. In the business report, the section for analysis, findings, and recommendations provided insightful ideas and critiques of information that will inspire the reader to take action. Based on the analysis, the report offered analysis solutions to various business problems. The recommendation section provided insightful ideas based on facts from the analysis and research (Thompson, 2005)
What three aspects of the report do you think should be improved?
The report, however, had various setbacks. Properly citing sources of information in the report would be appropriate. Citing sources for the data, statistics, and information shows the authenticity and accuracy of the information. Also, proper organization of the information so that the reader can draw connections should also be improved. It ensures that readers do not feel bombarded by numbers.
Proper presentation of data in graphs is another aspect that was not properly utilized. When presenting financial or operational trends for a given commercial period, a line graph or bar graph would be the most effective way of presenting data. The charts within the report should be clearly labeled by giving each graph a figure number corresponding to the report’s section, i.e., chapters, for example, Figure 1.3 Projected Revenues.
Hunter, J. (2006). The importance of citation.
Thompson, A. (2005). Guide to Business Report Writing. Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation: The Art of Successful Business Start-Ups and Business Planning, 163-73.
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Business Report Evaluation Paper
Introduction and Alignment
This is the final weekly Business Communication Analysis paper. This assignment is designed to help you deepen your understanding of the business communication process. You have a choice to use either Pearson Writer or the Reference Point Software in this assignment. You will benefit from the regular use of Pearson Writer or the Reference Point Software before submitting your papers, both in this class and future classes. These writing tools will be available for you to use throughout your degree program.
Upon successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:
Apply the process of creating a business report in a workplace scenario.
Develop communication process skills for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Evaluate business reports that use a precision-oriented style, assist in decision-making, and are objective, effective, and fair.
Textbook: Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World
Video: Completing Reports and Proposals: Petaluma Orthopedic and Sports Therapy Center
Video: Writing Reports and Proposals: MELT
Document: COM-325 Accessing Video and Media Items.docx
Media: Business Reports
Website: Pearson Writer
Website: Reference Point Software
Background Information
Reports and proposals are longer than routine communication and require special formatting and structure to help the audience locate and absorb the necessary information. This can be a challenging process, but it’s important if you hope to convey the complex information contained in these documents. On the surface, business reports, also known as “white papers,” can be very dry and boring. The purpose of such reports is to inform, not to entertain. Regardless, the information in the reports must be presented in a concise, readable, informative manner.
In this assignment you will first learn more about the process of writing business reports and proposals. Then you will evaluate a report based on its style, ability to assist in decision-making, objectiveness, effectiveness, and fairness.

Business Report Evaluation Paper
In your textbook, Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World: read Chapter 13, “Completing Business Proposals and Business Reports.”
View the video Writing Reports and Proposals: MELT for insight into one company’s approach to crafting effective reports and proposals.
View the media Business Reports and complete the simulation exercise.
At the end of the exercise, click the “View Results Report” button on the screen to review your work and get feedback. From there, you can print or email this report for use in this assignment.
Use the Internet to locate the most recent annual report published by a large corporation from the most recent Fortune 500 list, such as McDonalds, or Target.
Include citations for the sources used in your paper.
Write a 600 to 800 word paper demonstrating clear, insightful critical thinking that evaluates the report. Use your textbook reading and insights gained by viewing the video and completing the simulation exercise in answering the following questions:
How effectively does the report tell a story?
How effectively are headings used?
How effectively are charts, figures, and/or other graphics used?
How effectively are the research results presented?
Overall, how reliable and useful is this report? Explain.
What three aspects of the report would you like to model in your report writing?
What three aspects of the report do you think should be improved?
Choose either Pearson Writer or the Reference Point Software to use in writing your paper. Take a screenshot of your paper in the tool you have chosen and place the screenshot at the end of your paper.
Access the Pearson Writer tool at
Access the Reference Point Software site at
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor, along with a screenshot from the writing tool you selected included at the end of the paper, using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop.
Must be in APA format. Simulation the assignment refers to is attached