Business Ethics Questions
Question One: What are some of the differences between a job that provides meaningful work, and one that provides prestige?
According to Bailey et al. (2018), meaningful work refers to work that fulfills one’s desires and those of the larger community. An individual doing meaningful work has a work-life balance that allows them to take a break to handle personal matters and go on a vacation. Also, an individual handling meaningful work should be comfortable working, and that means the working conditions in their workplace are above the bar. Another aspect of meaningful work is job security, which allows one to work without worrying about losing a job. On the other hand, work that provides prestige focuses on monetary earnings and prestige within a community. Besides, prestige confers one with a name due to the job being associated with high status in society, such as a doctor or a lawyer. Since prestige is the opposite of power, an individual doing a prestigious job gives up some elements of meaningful work, such as work-life balance and comfort.
Question Four: What is the difference between power and prestige? Can you think of a job that grants power but little prestige and one that grants power and little prestige?
From the outset, power is the opposite of prestige. On the one hand, power is the ability to make decisions, control resources and people, and achieve one’s objectives or the organization one works for. On the other hand, prestige is the admiration one receives based on their perceived status, qualities, and influence. An example of a job with greater power but little prestige is that of a garbage collection supervisor who controls people and makes critical decisions on waste management. On the other hand, a job that grants little power but more prestige is that of a junior university professor who wields less power compared to top institutional administrators.
Question Five: For you, what are the components of comfort—do they include flexible working hours, working in an office instead of outside, or something else? Can you rank the components as more or less important?
One of the elements of comfort is flexible work schedules, which allow one to adopt a work life. Further, physical comfort is crucial, and it includes working in a good office with comfortable furniture. Also, psychological comfort is crucial since it helps people feel important and recognized in the workplace. Besides, the ability to socialize with colleagues is crucial for comfort. Ranking these elements in order of importance is challenging since different people have diverse preferences. However, for me, flexible schedules, psychological comfort, and physical comfort are vital in that order.
Question Six: What responsibilities to others may a job seeker consider when looking for a job?
While seeking jobs, potential recruits should consider how their job impacts the larger community and their organization’s internal environment. One of the elements that ought to be considered is public safety. For instance, air travel controllers and police officers cannot afford to go on strike since their jobs impact public safety. Also, one ought to consider how their job impacts the welfare of their primary clients. For instance, even if rules allow, doctors should not go on strike and completely shut down the healthcare system.
Question Seven: What is career sequencing? What are some reasons a person may choose to sequence, and what are some reasons why a person may choose not to be a sequencer?
Career sequencing refers to dividing work responsibilities to oneself and others by defining zones of life and evaluating them separately based on one’s aspirations. One of the reasons that influence career people to sequence is the desire to grow personally and attain professional development through the exploration of different roles and industries. Also, the need to adapt to a fast-changing environment may push individuals to learn more skills (Vinkenburg et al., 2020). However, some workers may not want to career sequence because they want to specialize in one area and be perfect in it (Vinkenburg et al., 2020). Additionally, financial constraints may prevent workers from adopting sequencing since gaining more skills requires heavy financial investment in education and training.
Bailey, C., Yeoman, R., Madden, A., Thompson, M., & Kerridge, G. (2018). A review of the empirical literature on meaningful work: Progress and research agenda. Human Resource Development Review, 18(1), 83–113.
Vinkenburg, C. J., Connolly, S., Fuchs, S., Herschberg, C., & Schels, B. (2020). Mapping career patterns in research: A sequence analysis of career histories of ERC applicants. PLOS ONE, 15(7), e0236252.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Choose 5 questions to write about out of the following. No less than 2 pages of content.
1. What are some of the differences between a job that provides meaningful work, and one that provides prestige?
2. Can leisure time—maximizing it—be pursued on its own as a value in the job search, or does it need to be combined with other values? If it needs to be combined, which values might work best?

Business Ethics Questions
3. If money is selected as the prime value a job seeker decides to pursue, what other values may become easier to reach because of the money, and which values may be pushed further away?
4. What’s the difference between power and
prestige? Can you think of a job that grants power but little prestige and one that grants prestige but little power?
5. For you, what are the components of comfort— do they include flexible hours, working in an office instead of outside, or something else? Can you rank the components as more and less important?
6. What responsibilities to others may a job seeker consider when looking for a job? 7. What is career sequencing? What are some
reasons a person may choose to sequence, and what are some reasons a person may choose not to be a sequencer?
8. What are four reasons an organization’s actions may be viewed as ethically troubling?
9. Ethically, how could you justify ignoring the fact that there’s a conflict between your convictions and the actions of the company you work for? 10. Why might a potential employee of an ethically troubling organization ask how seriously wrong the organization’s actions are?
11. If someone were working for an organization involved in ethically troubling activities, what questions may they ask themselves as they consider whether they should continue working there?