Business Ethics Chapter 5 – Investigative Fashion Journalism
The Blogger Dahlia Case
Question 1
Is there a connection between “fun” and meaningful work? Where does fun fit in the consideration of values to be weighed when considering a career track?
Fun and meaningful work are interconnected in the context of the job one does. The ‘fun’ element in work refers to when employees feel engaged, their well-being is considered, and overall, they are doing a satisfying job (Brusseau, 2011). When the job is enjoyable, workers are motivated to exploit their potential and help the organization achieve its objectives. Besides, a satisfying job triggers creativity in workers, such that they can come up with creative solutions to solve problems without necessarily consulting their managers or supervisors (Geldenhuys & Johnson, 2021). Notably, the ‘fun’ in work does not imply engaging in frivolity and entertainment. The work has to be meaningful, to the extent that it has an impact on society and aligns with the worker’s personal goals and objectives (Geldenhuys & Johnson, 2021). Aspects of meaningful work such as a supportive work environment, growth opportunities, and handling interesting tasks make a job fun. Blogger Dahlia believes that her fashion investigative journalist work dream is meaningful since it positively impacts society by way of exposing industrial scandals.
According to Brusseau (2011), when considering a fun-filled career track, different values are considered. First, the job should offer a work-life balance, allowing a worker to pursue personal pursuits besides job requirements. A work-life balance allows an individual to engage in such activities as taking a vacation, thus making the work fun. Secondly, the fun aspect emerges if one’s job elicits feelings of having a sense of purpose. Choosing work that makes a positive change in one way or another bolsters fun feelings by those handling the job. Blogger Dahlia’s job will help alleviate scams in the fashion industry, and as such, it qualifies as a fun-filled job. Also, there is the element of job satisfaction, which implies that someone is handling a job that relates to their interests and preferences.
Question 2
What career-related values do you suspect light up Dahlia and, more generally, the kinds of people who try to make up jobs for themselves?
Blogger Dahlia and generally people who decide to make up jobs for themselves are motivated by autonomy. The opportunity to work autonomously makes some people feel comfortable, leading to enhanced productivity (Indeed editorial team, 2022). As a freelance journalist, Dahlia avers that being her own detective and digging stories to uncover cover-ups motivates her. Not all people perform in an environment with constant instructions since such environments make them feel like they are being micro-managed.
Another value motivating people who make up their jobs is benevolence, the desire to impact society positively. Typically, most people consider job opportunities and monetary gains when choosing a career. However, for Dahlia’s case, she has decided to pursue fashion investigative journalism because she feels it is fun, and will impact society for the better. Also, Dahlia’s aspirational job offers a challenge. A challenging job involves handling demanding tasks that bring fulfillment once accomplished (Indeed editorial team, 2022). Although Dahlia is aware that investigative journalism is risky, and may lead to income loss, or even death, she is motivated that she will feel accomplished once she makes a successful story.
Question 3
Ethically troubling exploitation in the fashion industry.
Do you think she thinks there’s exploitation in the fashion industry? Where?
Dahlia believes that there is exploitation in the fashion industry across Europe. In particular, she is concerned about the multi-billion businesses that exploit immigrant workers by subjecting them to long working hours, yet paying them poorly. She believes that her investigative work will yield results, including improving the working terms for immigrant workers.
If there is exploitation—if something ethically reproachable is going on—what’s her relation to that blemish? Is she guilty too? Explain.
Dahlia does not necessarily feel that she is to blame for ongoing unethical practices in the fashion industry. However, she believes that someone must speak up to end the unwelcome practices. By leading by example, Dahlia will eventually influence others to speak up and castigate unethical business practices.
Brusseau, J. (2011). The business ethics workshop (v. 1.0). Creative Commons.
Geldenhuys, D. J., & Johnson, S. (2021). Experience in meaningful work for self-employed individuals. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 47.
Indeed editorial team. (2022, June 25). Career values: How to identify yours and cultivate success as a professional. Indeed Career Guide.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Chapter 5 “Employee’s Ethics: What’s the Right Job for Me?” examines some ethical decisions facing employees.

Business Ethics Chapter 5 – Investigative Fashion Journalism
It considers the values that underlie and guide choices about the kind of work you choose to pursue.