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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

A business impact analysis is a process of analyzing the importance of a particular business operation or resource, and its impact in case of disruption. The process also entails conducting a recovery measure in the event of losing a resource or enterprise operation. One of the main purposes of creating a business impact analysis is to ensure business continuity. Business impact analysis documents are usually private and confidential since a malicious individual can use these documents to cause maximum damage to an organization by disrupting business processes as well as the contingency measures which can cripple or completely close down an enterprise (Bahşi, et al. 2018).

A business impact analysis assists in the evaluation of data by analyzing the impact and importance of particular systems. Data must first be gathered concerning the assets, processes, and revenue they generate for the company. This data then has to be processed through data analysis software in order to better understand the whole picture. Once data analysis has been conducted, the organization can easily rank the impact of risks depending on the importance of particular assets and operations to the organization’s continuity. When conducting a business impact analysis, different case scenarios such as natural disasters, power surges, fires, and other catastrophic events are considered, and their probability of occurring is calculated in this manner; risks can be categorized by the probability of occurrence. The cost of setting up contingency measures and the cost of risks are also calculated while conducting a business impact analysis which can assist in categorizing risks by cost. All the factors considered during a business impact analysis can be used to rank risks by the most important using cost, impact, and probability (Bahşi, et al. 2018).

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

A business continuity plan is a report that assists a company in the evasion of threats to the company and recovery in the event a threat infiltrates the company. One of the reasons companies engage in creating a business continuity plan is in order to ensure both the staff and operations are able to continue regular operations after a threat to the company has occurred (Aleksandrova, Aleksandrov & Vasiliev, 2018). Risk management and mitigation is an important part of any business continuity plan. Risk mitigation plans such as creating backups in the event a data center is completely destroyed can greatly assist the company resume functioning with a minimized risk to the company. A company such as KION Group can backup all its data to the cloud and ensure full-time internet connectivity so that in the event its data center, which hosts its vital data is destroyed, the company can set up a new data center to download the data from the cloud and continue operations. Risk mitigation plans such as setting up sprinklers in case of a fire and alarm systems can assist in the reduction of damage in the event such a catastrophe occurs.

One of the best practices to consider when creating a business continuity plan is to take time to critically analyze the company’s processes. Another practice is to consider emerging technology trends that might boost the company and assist in risk mitigation. It is also advisable to continually and often test the business continuity plan in order to improve it and remove any weaknesses that exist in the system. It is also recommended that the organization understands the difference between a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan is a combination of plans and business structures that assist a company’s recovery in the event of a natural calamity or a disaster prompted by human action. Disaster recovery plans are more focused on preserving computer systems and information systems rather than other structures. The advent of disaster recovery occurred in the late 1970s when organizations started becoming dependent on computer systems for their regular operations (Alshammari, Alwan, Nordin & Abualkishik, 2018). Disaster recovery plans assist in the mitigation of risks by analyzing risks that can affect the company’s information systems. Measures such as the installation of automatic backup systems assist the company in recovery from disasters as well as reduce the risk of company closure. Disaster recovery policies such as ensuring usernames and passwords are kept private and updated regularly ensure that sensitive information is secure from malicious users who can cause damage to the company. Research has shown that for every dollar spent on disaster recovery, 4 dollars are saved in the long run.

Some of the recommended practices when creating data recovery plans include ensuring that all the information collected and used in the process is valid and from credible sources. Another best practice is to make sure that there is more than one copy of the disaster recovery plan, but all copies are kept private and confidential. The company can also conduct simulations where different scenarios are tested in order to ensure the disaster recovery plan is up to date and can actually work in real-life situations.


Aleksandrova, S. V., Aleksandrov, M. N., & Vasiliev, V. A. (2018, September). Business continuity management system. In 2018 IEEE International Conference” Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies”(IT&QM&IS) (pp. 14-17). IEEE.

Alshammari, M. M., Alwan, A. A., Nordin, A., & Abualkishik, A. Z. (2018). Disaster recovery with minimum replica plan for reliability checking in multi-cloud. Procedia computer science, 130, 247-254.

Bahşi, H., Udokwu, C. J., Tatar, U., & Norta, A. (2018, March). Impact assessment of cyber actions on missions or business processes: A systematic literature review. In ICCWS 2018 13th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (p. 11). Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited.


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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

You are an IT system manager working for the KION Group with the main headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. Forklift trucks and warehouse automation equipment are the company’s main products.
A disaster that destroys half or all of a modern business’s data center is the worst-case scenario. This includes all of the computers and discs inside it. While such a scenario is uncommon, it is possible, and not just in the event of a major natural disaster, such as an earthquake or electrical surges due to a storm. These circumstances can permanently destroy data centers.
The strength of the KION group is determined by the quality of a business impact analysis (BIA). Because this is the blueprint that will get you out of any situation, no matter how big or small, you can navigate easily if the map is well-made. However, if the information is out of date, incomplete, or otherwise compromised, you will have difficulty getting back to business as usual.
Ensuring you have offsite backups of your data is the greatest approach to preparing your organization for a disaster like this. If your production data is stored on-premises in one of your data centers, you’ll need to make backups of it in a different data center, or the cloud. If your data is stored in the cloud, you have the option of backing it up to local storage, another cloud, or another area of the same cloud.
It is essential to restore backup data on new infrastructure as quickly as possible. Moving significant volumes of data via the Internet takes a long time, so it’s not a good idea in the event of a crisis. Moving physical copies of discs from one location to another could be faster in some situations. Alternatively, it may be faster and easier to set up new servers in the data center where your backup data is stored, link them to the backup data, and then use them as production servers.
Because your team is performing so well, senior management at the KION group decided that your team must establish a business continuity plan (BCP) and a disaster recovery plan (DRP) to deal with difficulties that may arise now or in the future. You’ve been tasked with creating these new plans.
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you:

Summarize the primary purpose of a BIA, including why a BIA is often classified as confidential.
Explain how a BIA helps evaluate data and categorize risks with respect to technology, individuals, and the organization in regard to the above scenario.
Explain the purpose of a BCP, including how a BCP helps to mitigate risks with the above scenario and recommend two best practices to follow when creating a BCP.
Explain the purpose of a DRP, including how a DRP helps to mitigate risks in regard to the above scenario, and recommend one best practice to follow when creating a DRP.
Use at least two quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. The Strayer University Library is a good source of resources.

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