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Building a Cohesive Team – Managerial Strategies and Introduction Plan for a Diverse Workforce

Building a Cohesive Team – Managerial Strategies and Introduction Plan for a Diverse Workforce

Subject: Invitation to a Global Strategy Meeting
Meeting Organizer: [Add your name here as the meeting organizer.]
Invite Required Attendees: Kaspar





Invite Optional Attendees: Marketing department managers


Meeting Invitation Date and Time with Time Zone: 6/30/2024, 1400hrs AST
Does Meeting Repeat? This is a one-time meeting.
Location: Zoom
Body The purpose of this meeting is to derive common objectives that align with our company’s overall strategy. Given the diversity in our teams, we will set expectations that align with our company’s overall strategy and the needs of diverse teams. These objectives will subsequently be core to our team’s management.

Subsequently, understanding cultural differences is crucial to the successful management of global teams. Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, our members represent different cultures and this will be crucial in understanding the needs of global teams. Kaspar and Nina represent South American culture. Syed aligns with the Arab culture, which is highly associated with collectivism. On the other hand, Kelly comes from the highly individualistic US culture. These are three distinct cultures with different needs and require different management approaches.

Common issues the teams are likely to face include miscommunication, misunderstanding, and different work styles (Overton & Lowry, 2013). Potential conflict areas include communication processes, decision-making, and power relations.

I recommend transformative, transformational, and situational leadership as a hybrid system to be used interchangeably to suit teams from different cultural backgrounds (Aarons, 2006).

Determining the organization’s holiday policy will require a collaborative approach. A survey of cultural beliefs, religious affiliation, and personal views will inform the collective holiday policy. A rotational system may alleviate the challenges of holiday scheduling.

I recommend a collaborative approach to determining common team goals. This strategy will ensure that we take into consideration the diverse cultural norms, communication styles, and decision-making structures applicable to the members from different geographical locations.

I heartily thank you for your support, and I am looking forward to working with you to create a common strategy that will bring success to our team.


Meeting Agenda

Welcome and introductions

An evaluation of current global team structures and processes.

Identification of hurdles and opportunities affecting our company’s global teams’ management.

Share benchmarks and successes attained by our teams in various regions

Engage in a brainstorming session to derive best practices for managing global teams.

Derive ways to leverage technology and technological tools to ensure effective communication.

Come up with an action plan to be implemented


 Aarons, G. A. (2006). Transformational and transactional leadership: Association with attitudes toward evidence-based practice. Psychiatric Services, 57(8), 1162–1169.

Overton, A., & Lowry, A. (2013). Conflict management: Difficult conversations with difficult people. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 26(04), 259–264.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this assignment, you will write an email and introductory conference call invitation as requested by your manager.

Building a Cohesive Team - Managerial Strategies and Introduction Plan for a Diverse Workforce

Building a Cohesive Team – Managerial Strategies and Introduction Plan for a Diverse Workforce

Team Member Locations
Your team consists of the following four members from various locations across the globe:

  1. Kaspar was born in and is based in the country you choose for your course project.
  2. Kelly was born in and is based in the United States.
  3. Syed was born in and is based in the United Arab Emirates.
  4. Nina was born in and is based in Chile.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

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