Branding and Communication
Apple Inc. has maintained its brand image by staying on top of the consumer market and constantly updating its products so that consumers always have the newest version. This allows them to keep people returning for more and get new customers who want to try something that hasn’t been on the consumer market long.
Their pricing strategy is a little different than other companies in that they do not offer any discounts on their products, which makes it difficult to get repeat customers because they cannot get a deal when purchasing another device from Apple Inc.
There are two significant ways in which a business can brand itself. One is through its logo and other visual representations, including but not limited to color schemes and typography. The other is through the nature of its products or services—including but not limited to what they do, how they’re manufactured or provided, and who’s involved in the process.
Apple Inc. has done an excellent job branding in both ways: its logo is instantly recognizable worldwide. It also suggests the company’s name, Apple—and leaves room for the tagline “Think Different,” used from 1997-2002.
The sleek, minimalist design of the Apple logo communicates that the company is at the forefront of modern technology. The simple typeface and lack of decorative elements convey a sense of simplicity and sophistication, while the bright colors give the brand a youthful appeal. Overall, the logo creates an image of a company that is always on the move, constantly innovating and pushing the envelope.
The simple typeface and lack of decorative elements convey a sense of simplicity and sophistication, while the bright colors give the brand a youthful appeal. Overall, the logo creates an image of a company that is always on the move, constantly innovating and pushing the envelope.
The logo represents all these ideas by using two things: imagery and color. Using imagery suggests that Apple’s products are highly innovative (as opposed to old-fashioned). For example, when you look at an iPhone, you will see that it has been designed using very few lines, making it look futuristic. The color also suggests innovation—the bright red pigment used for iPhones indicates they are up-to-date with modern technology trends. Finally, one cannot deny how important it is for any business to embrace change; if they do not change, they will not survive in today’s rapidly changing world, where new technologies emerge daily.
In terms of product quality, Apple offers a high standard of production for its computers and phones that are unrivaled by competitors. Their products are often built with high-quality materials like aluminum and glass, making them durable and long-lasting. This contrasts with companies like Samsung or Motorola, whose phones tend to be made from cheaper plastics that break easApple’sple’s product features are also innovative and forward-thinking in ways other companies may not be. For example, their newest iPhones include facial recognition technology for unlocking the phone without swiping a code or using your fingerprint—a feature no other phone currently has. Finally, the design aesthetic of Apple products is sleek and modern, without clutter or extraneous details that detract fromproduct’suct’s overall look.
Tien, N. H. (2019). International distribution policy comparative analysis between Samsung and Apple. International journal of research in marketing management and sales, 2020(1), 2.
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In this scenario, you are the product manager of any existing company of your choice.

Branding and Communication
- What is the name of the company you chose?
- Describecompany’sany’s logo.
- What information is the company trying to convey about its brand based on the logo?
- How doescompany’sany’s brand speak to the quality, features, and style relative to one of its competitor brands?