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Board Diversification

Board Diversification

Rank them from highest to lowest.

  1. Lamar Leroy Woods
  2. Layla Amini
  3. Carmen Diaz
  4. Sue Novenski
  5. Charles Wong
  6. Peter Skylar
  7. Katherine Dobbs Courtney
  8. Drake Covington

Explain why you made your rankings.

I ranked Lamar Leroy Woods, Layla Amini, Carmen Diaz, and Sue Novenski as the first four candidates. I used the strategic plan’s goals to rank the candidates seeking to join the hospital’s Board. Based on the goals, Heritage Medical Center seeks to create a diversified board that reflects a good image to the community. Thus, the first four candidates’ varied genders, expertise, exposure, and age groups introduce diversification. To improve financial reporting, the Board requires members with financial expertise. Thus, I have ranked Layla Amini second due to this aspect. To improve the employees’ morale and communication with the Board, I ranked Carmen Diaz third, who was nominated by fellow doctors at the facility. Sue Novenski is experienced in community work, making her a suitable community connection. Larma Leroy Woods is important to the Board due to his financial muscle, influence, and the possibility of connections to potential sponsors. Thus, the first four candidates are ranked based on their ability and likelihood to meet objectives set by the Board. The last four have been ranked based on their ability to replace any of the first four.

List their diversity characteristics and how that impacted your ranking.

What might be done to ease the transition for the Board itself and for the CEO?

Adding new members to the Board is a daunting task that demands adjustment of both the hospital’s CEO and board members. The current board members are in the same social circles, thus able to relate easily with each other. Adapting to the presence of new members requires proper planning for the integration of the new individuals. The orientation of the new members is important to formalize the old and incoming individuals. This process will also prepare the younger members for the tasks ahead and develop feelings of owed respect (Sonnenfeld, 2002). Other critical aspects, such as trust, will be developed as they relate to the workplace.

What patterns emerge in your choices? Were all of your choices the same on any dimension(s)? Explain.

My choices do not depict a specific pattern because the goals and objectives of the strategic plan guide them. However, they emphasize equality in terms of gender and age. I have selected the first four candidates to include two males and two females. The age bracket accommodates different generations. Thus, my choices appear to be diversified due to the need to fulfill the goals of the facility’s strategic plan. This unconscious decision has incorporated available candidates’ skills and capabilities to meet the clearly stated goals.

How diversified would you say your choices are? Did you consciously or unconsciously make choices on the basis of any particular dimension of diversity? Explain.

If the Board selected my four choices, the Board would be inclusive and diversified. The first aspect of diversification would be gender. Two of the first four choices are male, while the other two are female. The second aspect is age (Sonnenfeld, 2002). The potential board members are aged 26 to 66 years. This means that the Board will welcome younger members who do not have positions on other boards. However, these individuals have the required expertise and capability to fulfill the goals and objectives of the organization. Race is the third diversification factor. People within the boards are from varied racial backgrounds. Such inclusivity and diversity will expand the Board’s ability to achieve goals, make decisions, and provide a different perspective on running the facility as new ideas stem from the new members.

If all four of your choices were selected for the Board, how diversified could your complete Board be?

Diversity in the boardroom is important for effective corporate governance. A board comprising different generations, expertise, experience, and perspectives provides various opinions regarding organizational matters (Landaw, 2020). Diverse viewpoints are important when members are conducting risk assessments. As managers with varied expertise, they are able to highlight different potential risks. As a result, such an organization is prepared to face all highlighted risks and mitigate the damages. Most importantly, the inclusive and diverse Board will be able to incorporate the viewpoints of different shareholders since all members have different experiences that involve varied populations. For instance, Sue Novenski is a social worker. Her involvement with battered women and other populations that need assistance provides a new perspective on how such populations would benefit from the hospital’s services. Thus, such inclusion caters to different stakeholders efficiently and effectively (Russell Reynolds Associates, 2021). The diversified Board should be able to anticipate its external and internal stakeholders’ needs.


Landaw, J. (2020). Maximizing the Benefits of Board Diversity: Lessons Learned From Activist Investing. Retrieved from

Russell Reynolds Associates. (2021). Different Is Better: Why Diversity Matters in the Boardroom. Retrieved from

Sonnenfeld, J. A. (2002). What Makes Great Boards Great. Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Choosing the Board: Charting the Course with Competing Priorities

Part 1

Complete “Choosing the Board: Charting the Course with Competing Priorities” exercise (See attached). Rank them from highest to lowest.

Board Diversification

Board Diversification

  1. Explain why you made your rankings.
  2. List their diversity characteristics and how that impacted your ranking.
  3. Regardless of which four nominees are appointed, replacing one-third of the Board members all at once will mean a radical change for this Board. This is a source of concern for the Board members and a serious concern of the hospital CEO who deals frequently with the Board. What might be done to ease the transition for the Board itself and for the CEO?
  4. What patterns emerge in your choices? Were all of your choices the same on any dimension(s)? Explain.
  5. How diversified would you say your choices are? Did you consciously or unconsciously make choices on the basis of any particular dimension of diversity? Explain.
  6. If all four of your choices were selected for the Board, how diversified could your complete Board be?

This part of the weekly assignment will be at least 1,000 words in order to address all of the questions

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