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Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence – Apple Inc

Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence – Apple Inc


The use of big data analytics and business intelligence in handling huge datasets has become an integral practice in today’s companies. The two concepts view data differently since big data analytics deals with the future, while business intelligence is more focused on the present. Therefore, blending them provides a holistic view of an organization and fosters the implementation of informed decisions. Apple Inc. is one prominent company that has successfully integrated the two technologies to improve operational efficiency. It has maximized its operational features to excel in high-end manufacturing products. Therefore, it is vital to consider its approach to the technology, what it is doing right or wrong, and the potential recommendations.

Description of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology-based firm with headquarters in Cupertino, California, US. It is currently ranked as the world’s most valuable and largest digital firm with tremendous commercial success. Since its foundation in 1976, Apple Inc. products have reached out to more than 1.4 billion people and continue to tap new clients into its system. The massive growth gained momentum during its founding as there was less competition, and it offered huge donations and discounts, hence commanding a significant client base (Levy, 2021).

The company is incredibly innovative as it always finds innovative ideas to solve emerging crises. For instance, it faced intense competition from IBM in the wake of the 1980s and, in return, introduced affordable Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) to regain market leadership. By 2010, Apple Inc. had introduced the iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPad, and iPhone, rendering it the most preferred technology solution. Further milestones, such as iCloud, were later launched, marking the end of Steve Jobs’s tenure. Tim Cook took over as the new CEO in 2011 and pushed the organization to become a trilling dollar company.

The firm is currently well-established and resilient to overcome modern challenges. It has dominated major markets such as China, and its current value stands at $182.8 billion. iOS users keep increasing, implying that the market keeps widening each year. To boost its supply chain, the company has partnered with notable entities, including 3M, Qualcomm, Micron, and Intel. It has also made multiple acquisitions, such as PrimeSense, Texture, and Beats Electronics, among others. The primary target market comprises 36% women and 64% men aged between 25 to 44. Its rapid innovation and strong brand are the principal strengths that keep the firm going.

Apple Inc.’s Approach to Big Data Analytics with Business Intelligence

Integrating big data analytics with business intelligence has enabled Apple Inc. to capture valuable data necessary for customized recommendations and suggestions (Buckley, 2016). This is made possible via predictive analytics powered by efficient analytical programs and systems. As a result, the company is better positioned to initiate new products and services, such as application design. Unlike in the past, users are no longer forced to use unfriendly applications. The aspect of meeting clients’ needs and expectations has earned the firm a competitive edge.

Apple Inc. also blends technologies to enhance operating efficiency. Big data analytics require devices with high computing power, which consequently hasten various processes in the organization. The organization manages to process huge amounts of data long within the shortest time possible. Jin and Kim (2018) acknowledge that with big data analytics and tactical business intelligence, firms do not have to invest in extra infrastructure to achieve management efficiency. This is an added advantage to Apple Inc. owing to the vast customer base, which implies that there is always more work to be done.

Big data analytics can handle structured and unstructured data, most of which are typically left untapped by traditional analysis; this leads to excellent customer support and marketing. The company’s vision is to produce the best products in the world and invariably boost customer experience. As such, big data makes it possible to proactively test new features before launching them in the market (Buckley, 2016). For example, the newly introduced wearable technology was tested and retested to ensure it helps improve users’ health. Once clients are satisfied, they are more likely to return and bring referrals, thus expanding the market.

Referencing big data analytics and business intelligence contributes to new revenue opportunities and economic advantages. Its prowess in big data analytics primarily contributed to Apple’s opportunity to partner with BBI. The two companies seek to develop mobile apps that improve lifestyles. Its analytical capability has further resulted in strategic partnerships with banking, air travel, and insurance agencies to provide solutions to users in those fields. All these alliances attract fiscal gains that amount to substantial revenues once combined with sales of data-driven devices.

What Apple Inc. is Doing Right

Apple Inc. is performing exemplary well in focusing on big data analytics goals and actionable steps. Dealing with big data and breaking it down into meaningful information requires professionalism and an objective-oriented perspective. The company has demonstrated its ability to achieve this target and is thus considered competitive. It is also evident that the results of big data analytics are problem-oriented rather than daunting and generic. This is a crucial strength of the firm as it results in user-tailored products. Deriving the actual value from huge data provides more innovative ideas over time. It is also worth noting that the company is doing well in overcoming all odds in the pursuit of exploiting the analytic power. Its approach to dealing with inaccessible and poor-quality data is undeniably credible. The top management further pledges full support for the technology, which is quite recommendable. Upholding such positive trends will leverage productivity in the long run.

What Apple Inc. is Doing Wrong

The company seems to go astray in articulating complicated data management systems, increasing spending on data solutions, and prevalent privacy gaps (Copeland, 2015). The complex nature of handling data from different sources by the specialists who at the same time are generating data leads to complicated systems, which could result in fatal consequences if they fail. It seems that the company overspends on analytics solutions even though they are beneficial. Failing to find a balance can lead to misuse of human resources, time, and money. As for privacy, Apple Inc. had a recent crisis in which Israel’s spyware attacked devices. These are some of the weaknesses that require urgent intervention.

Potential Improvements

Apple can be more successful in implementing and maintaining big data analytics with business intelligence by progressively advancing with the varying analytics landscape. This will help avoid the “what if” situation of not exploiting the emerging opportunities. There should also be close observance of maintenance plans to avoid problematic, costly, and disruptive failures. As already stated, the company is highly reliant on multiplex systems whose minor failure would result in more pronounced impacts.


Big data analytics and business intelligence are indeed pivotal in the daily running of Apple Inc. The company employs strategic approaches when handling voluminous data to provide real-time solutions to the current demands in the market. It continues to enjoy a well-structured and reputable brand built for over 45 years. Reinforcing the operations its currently doing right and attending to the wrong ones while adhering to the recommendations will invariably lead to more productivity. The use of big data analytics in the tech giant is projected to grow spontaneously now and in the future, so that the firm can remain the market leader.


Buckley, J. (2016). How Apple is Using Big Data. SocPub. Retrieved on 6th Nov 2021 from:

Copeland, E. (2015). Big Data in the Big Apple. Capital City Foundation. Retrieved on 6th Nov 2021 from:

Jin, D. H., & Kim, H. J. (2018). Integrated understanding of big data, big data analysis, and business intelligence: a case study of logistics. Sustainability10(10), 3778. Retrieved on 6th Nov 2021 from:

Levy, S. (2021). Apple Inc. American Company. Britannica. Retrieved on 6th Nov 2021 from


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Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence – Apple Inc

This week’s article provided a case study approach that highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Search the UC Library and/or Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company (‘APPLE INC.’ FOR THIS PAPER) that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what it is doing wrong, and how it can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence.

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