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Bias on the PM Process

Bias on the PM Process

Impact of Overt and Unconscious Management on Performance Management

Bias is among the main factors that impact decision-making in organizations. The human resource management department is constantly exposed to overt and unconscious bias when interacting with employees and fulfilling duties such as hiring, promoting, and terminating employees. According to Brüggemann (2022), unconscious bias is the feelings and thoughts a person is unaware of that impact their judgment. Consequently, overt bias is prejudice against individuals based on their group affiliations, collective identifiers, and traits. Overt bias in the workplace can arise from statements that dehumanize or demean specific individuals, bullying, degrading jokes and nicknames, stereotypes, refusal or reluctance to hire, engage with or promote particular people, and symbols associated with bias (Burwell, 2022). The main impact of overt and unconscious bias on the performance management process is reducing fairness in the performance evaluation and reward process. For instance, unconscious bias may lead to favouritism in the performance evaluation and reward process when people from a specific age or gender are favoured. Overt bias, on the other hand, may create favouritism due to stereotypes that favour one gender. For instance, the stereotype that women are not well-suited for organizational leadership positions may lead to unfair promotion decisions. The second impact of overt and unconscious bias on performance management is unrealistic expectations. Unconscious and overt bias may lead to assumptions that employees with specific characteristics should perform better than others, impacting their ability to meet expectations. For example, organizations may assume that employees of a certain age or gender should perform better, thus setting higher expectations and linking their promotion or compensation to the expectations.

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Theory of How the PM Process is Developed and Implemented

According to Aguinis (2018), performance management is a logical process aimed at improving organizational performance by improving the performance of employees based on an agreed system of established standards, objectives, and competency requirements. Therefore, the PM process is created by focusing on the organization’s goals and objectives and is implemented by aligning the organization’s goals and objectives with employees’ expectations. This implies that developing performance management requires planning and coaching, whereas implementation requires coaching, reviewing, and action. The planning stage includes defining the job based on short-term and long-term goals, identifying the organization’s goals, and developing a clear strategy of how the organization’s goals will be assessed. The planning stage also includes getting employee feedback about the performance management framework and getting approval from employees. The coaching stage includes organizing meetings on a regular and timely basis, providing necessary training to employees to meet the organization’s goals and objectives, and revisiting the organization’s objectives and the performance management framework. Revisiting the performance management framework includes determining how well the performance management framework works and making necessary adjustments to make it effective. The reviewing stage includes conducting a performance appraisal and determining whether the goal of the performance management process was achieved. Performance appraisal includes evaluating employee performance, offering feedback and recommendations on improvement areas, setting performance goals to improve employee performance, identifying training and development needs to improve employee performance, determining rewards and compensation, and supporting performance management through recommendations to enhance its effectiveness. Action includes implementing the performance management framework. This step consists of two key activities. The first activity is rewarding and recognizing employees who have met the organization’s performance expectations. The second activity is setting goals for the next performance management cycle. The effectiveness of the performance management framework can be enhanced by learning from the mistakes made in the previous performance management cycle; hence, there is a need to consider employee feedback when planning for the next performance cycle.


Aguinis, H. (2018). Performance management. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Brüggemann, S. (2022). 2. Unconscious bias. Managing Unconscious Bias, 7–40.

Burwell, M. (2022, June 30). Addressing overt bias in the workplace: ATD. Main.


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Bias on the PM Process

Bias on the PM Process

For most organizations, performance reviews are used to support decisions related to training and career development, compensation, transfers, promotions, and reductions in force or employment termination. Generally, the performance review process includes setting clear and specific performance expectations for each employee and providing periodic informal and/or formal feedback about employee performance relative to those stated goals. This assignment explores the possible bias in the PM process.
Refer to the attached document for assignment details and grading rubric.
Note: You must complete the pre-assessment first. Any journals posted before a pre-assessment is completed will not be graded until the pre-assessment is posted.

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