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Beyond Good and Evil- Unveiling the Most -and Least- Compelling Theories of Human Nature

Beyond Good and Evil- Unveiling the Most -and Least- Compelling Theories of Human Nature

Generally, there are various approaches for psychotherapy, including psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive behavioural, and the humanistic approach. For this assignment, the approaches of discussion will be the humanistic approach and the behavioural approach. The paper will address the best and worst approaches among the two selected approaches.

Humanistic Theory versus Behavioral Theory in Psychology

From a personal perspective, humanistic theory is the best approach. Humanistic theory is generally based on the individual’s inner feelings about their behaviours. The therapy is therefore steered towards the individual’s effort to correct the behaviours as the theory believes that one’s behaviour is influenced by one’s inner feelings. During the therapy, the individuals are tasked to do a personal life analysis and determine the possible causes of their behaviour. According to DeRobertis (2021), when one can identify what makes them behave the way they do, they can find solutions for themselves. Therefore, the theory is suitable as one is responsible for thinking and behaviour.

On the other hand, I feel that the behavioural approach works the least well because it is based on the assumption that an individual’s conduct is influenced by his or her surroundings. The theory believes that behaviours are learned based on environmental stimuli. The therapy, therefore, focuses on modifying the individual’s behaviour and response to external stimuli. The individuals are then tasked with activities to help modify and learn the appropriate behaviours. One significant limitation of the behavioural approach is that it works on the assumption that everyone’s response to stimuli is the same (Muhajirah, 2020). Unlike the humanistic approach, which focuses on the human mind and the individual’s thinking, the behavioural approach only focuses on behaviour, making it a narrow approach.


In summary, the humanistic approach is the best approach. The humanistic approach is the best approach as it focuses on the human mind and believes that one’s behaviour results from one’s inner feelings and thinking. On the contrary, I think the behavioural approach is the worst as it works on the assumption that one’s behaviour results from external stimuli and, therefore, focuses on modifying the individual’s response to stimuli. The approach also assumes that all people respond similarly to a given stimulus.


DeRobertis, E. M. (2021). The humanistic revolution in psychology: Its inaugural vision. Journal of Humanistic Psychology61(1), 8-32.

Muhajirah, M. (2020). Basic learning theory:(behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism). International Journal of Asian Education1(1), 37-42.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Consider the 5 perspectives of psychology discussed in class:
Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Humanistic, Cognitive, Biological

DESCRIBE the perspective that you think does the best job explaining human nature and which you think does the worst job. STATE why you think one theory is best and one theory is the worst.

Beyond Good and Evil- Unveiling the Most -and Least- Compelling Theories of Human Nature

Writing assignments should be 250 words. DO NOT COPY definitions from the book or other websites- define the two perspectives you selected in your own words and offer your own reaction.

MUST USE include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal references to complete the assignment

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