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Best Practices Video Reflection

Best Practices Video Reflection

Teachers incorporate different strategies to encourage student participation and attention, which helps them understand and use academic vocabulary. Academic vocabulary is a common word in a learning context that students need to understand more to comprehend the information portrayed in the learning activity (Foorman et al., 2016). Educators need to inform the students about the academic vocabulary in their reading to steer their learning ability and increase their knowledge of common words to encounter in the learning activity. Academic vocabulary improves students’ knowledge and makes them more acquainted with common words to encounter throughout their reading text. Teachers play a vital role in developing academic language skills; thus, students should be attentive to understanding and remembering the imparted knowledge.

The teacher engages the students in contributing to the class activity. She requests volunteers to voice their ideas on what coins are. She instructs the students to turn and look at their colleagues, sharing the class discussion. Once the teacher appoints Blake to give his suggestions, the students turn to his direction to listen. The students are required to use props to enhance a continuous conversation. Ashley responds to Blake’s contribution by agreeing with what he said. As the teacher read the text aloud, students attentively follow in their text copy. Further, the teacher instructs the students to show where they find the answers to the questions. Students are seen to follow the instructions by stating the paragraphs from which they derive their answers. The teacher also instructs the student to read the academic vocabulary with her as she reads the whole sentence, where students are reciprocal as instructed. Lastly, the teacher encourages all students to participate when asking questions. REL Southeast (2016) adds that only similar hands can be seen, prompting other students to participate in the class activities by answering questions.


Foorman, B., Beyler, N., Borradaile, K., Coyne, M., Denton, C. A., Dimino, J., & Wissel, S. (2016). Foundational skills to support reading for understanding in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Educator’s practice guide. NCEE 2016-4008. What Works Clearinghouse.

REL Southeast, (Director). (2016). Academic vocabulary in the text [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from


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All the information is in the link below. the lecture link, Discussion rubric, and Video reflection worksheet are included in the file below.

Best Practices Video Reflection

Answer the question and go by the rubric

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