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Aviation Regulations

Aviation Regulations

Competition Among Airlines

The regulatory environment has for long prohibited competition based on prices. As a result, most airlines have turned to non-price ways of competing. Most provide passengers with services that seem free. These include snacks, free beverages, and impressive waiting services. Airlines absorb extra costs, which are then passed on to the passengers. The clients are compelled to pay higher prices than they would if regulations allowed price competition. The lack of price competition forces airlines to sell rather unnecessary services to clients. This implies that a client must purchase additional services that they may not need while securing a seat. Suppose clients were given the option to fly at lower costs and have less services attached to the fare; most would opt for this. The extra services cost has airlines divert their resources towards less important aspects.

The Civil Aeronautics Board has put in place regulations that lead to inefficient activities. For instance, some carriers fail to provide services for local clients (closed-door policy), while others cannot offer non-stop flights between two locations. Therefore, it is necessary to allow fair competition, including price-based, in the aviation industry (Snow 1975). Such an amendment to current regulations would reduce inefficiencies, redirect carriers’ resources to more significant projects, and eliminate unnecessarily high prices. The airlines would also concentrate on offering services that meet the needs of clients sufficiently and avoid non-essential packages. Such an approach also provides all airlines with a fair opportunity to win loyal clients based on genuine services and reasonable prices.

Security against terrorism in the future

Terrorism is a present threat to the aviation industry and causes known damage. In the future, it is expected to persist and evolve to undetectable and more complicated forms. Today’s regulations revolve around ensuring that terrorists do not carry any weapons into the airports and related infrastructure. The process of scanning passengers and their luggage before departure and after arrival to destinations has provided a significant relief. However, this approach requires changing and adapt to the new forms of terrorism that are likely to emerge in the future. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) proposes the likelihood of terror activities that use biological aspects as threats. Conventional use of explosive devices and similar weapons is expected to shift towards a complicated element. The current regulation that governs security in international air spaces, aircraft, and airports cannot detect biological weapons. While one may argue that these are difficult to transport today, various mechanisms can be used to distribute them. For instance, infected passengers or drones can be used to ensure that the weapons are distributed in critical areas that are likely to cause extensive harm (IATA 2019). Such attacks cannot be detected using scanners and sniffing dogs. Once the passengers access the airports and other infrastructure, the spread of the infection becomes uncontrollable.

During the 2010 Beijing Convention, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) highlighted the need to criminalize activities that are related to biological warfare. Such warfare can cause extensive disruption of air transport and a complete loss of confidence in the carriers (UNODC 2020). However, the threat can readily infiltrate other forms of transport, making the movement of goods and people impossible due to the heightened danger of unknown and fatal conditions. Thus, the relevant agencies must proactively and practically approach the risk to mitigate its occurrence beforehand.


IATA. 2019. “Air Transport Security2040 and Beyond.”

Snow, John W. 1975. “Aviation Regulation: A Time for Change.” Journal of Air Law and Commerce 41 (4): 637-664.

UNODC. 2020. UNODC Upscales Efforts to Promote the International Legal Framework Against Biological Terrorism Amid COVID-19.


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Current National and International Aviation Regulations

For this assignment, conduct research and consider current national and international regulations. As the aviation industry is evolving, regulations need to adapt to meet the changing landscape. Research one national and one international regulation to identify an area where the regulation could be improved based on current, or future, industry changes. As an example of potential changes coming to the aviation industry watch How Autonomous Flying Taxis Could Change the Way You Travel (8:04/Ted Talks) (Links to an external site.). You may choose any two regulations you wish.

Aviation Regulations

Aviation Regulations

Then write a two to three-page paper, not including the title page and reference page, that identifies the regulation and then explains and supports your proposed improvement.

Your paper must be supported by a minimum of three scholarly references, should be grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. You must include a properly formatted title page, in-text citations where appropriate, and a reference page formatted according to current APA guidelines. If you have any questions regarding APA requirements, please refer to the current APA manual or ask your instructor.

Please refer to the rubric to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the expectations and grading scale for this activity.

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