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Attack Surface Analysis- Benefits, Process, and Best Practices

Attack Surface Analysis- Benefits, Process, and Best Practices

In cybersecurity, an “attack surface” is what an unauthorized user could exploit or gain access to. Consistently, it represents a way to protect information systems from cyber threats. Each category represents a different vector (pathway) for potential security breaches, based on the comprehensive nature of an attack surface. These include physical attack surfaces, network attack surfaces, software attack surfaces, and human attack surfaces. The physical attack surface covers access to computers, networks, and storage devices. Opening ports, using unsecured Wi-Fi connections, and using vulnerable network protocols are common instances of network attack surface vulnerabilities (Colesniuc & Martin, 2015). Software attack surfaces range from the operating system to installed applications, other software components, and software vulnerabilities. This includes software bugs, misconfigurations, old or unsupported versions, and more. Finally, there is the human attack surface that exploits human error or manipulation of individuals like phishing.

Surface attack analysis involves several steps. One is identifying assets by cataloging all hardware and software assets within a system and assessing what needs protection before securing it. The next step maps out the network so that there is a clear understanding of how various assets connect to each other including both internal and external networks (Theisen et al., 2018). After mapping comes vulnerability assessment which identifies known vulnerabilities in the software, hardware, and network components; often done through automated tools scan for known vulnerabilities.

Threat modeling is the next step. This helps understand potential threat actors including their capabilities motives and methods of attack in order to identify who might go after the system. This helps understand the potential risks involved. Risk assessment is then done where identified vulnerabilities are evaluated based on their impact and likelihood of exploitation so that priorities can be set as to which vulnerability needs immediate attention and which can be addressed later. Based on the risk assessment, a mitigation strategy is then developed. These strategies are in place to reduce the attack surface and can include patching vulnerabilities, changing configurations, or implementing new security policies.


Colesniuc, D., & Martin, I. (2015). Cybersecurity by Minimizing Attack Surfaces. In International Scientific Conference” Strategies XXI” (Vol. 1, p. 42). ” Carol I” National Defence University.

Theisen, C., Munaiah, N., Al-Zyoud, M., Carver, J. C., Meneely, A., & Williams, L. (2018). Attack surface definitions: A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology104, 94-103.


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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Attack Surface Analysis- Benefits, Process, and Best Practices

Attack Surface Analysis- Benefits, Process, and Best Practices

Discuss the concept of attack surface, its categories, and the steps involved in attack surface analysis.

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