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Assessment 2- Applying Research Skills

Assessment 2- Applying Research Skills

Access to healthcare is constrained for certain individuals due to various factors, encompassing geographical constraints, financial limitations, transportation impediments, exorbitant treatment costs, and inadequate insurance coverage. Health insurance emerges as a pivotal strategy in facilitating healthcare access by affording patients entry into the healthcare system. However, restricted coverage often hinders individuals from obtaining requisite medical care without incurring substantial medical expenses. Drawing from personal experience, a case emerges wherein a woman possessed limited insurance coverage insufficient to offset the substantial medical bills incurred for her daughter’s treatment of kidney failure. Living on a meager minimum wage, the exorbitant hospital bills proved to be an overwhelming financial burden. Despite the collective support of friends and family, the financial obligations remained insurmountable.

Identifying Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

I refined Capella Library’s search engine, Summon, to include scholarly and peer-reviewed articles and accessed databases such as ProQuest to find articles related to my healthcare topic. In the pursuit of scholarly research on the theme encompassing healthcare access, health information systems, and rural nursing, I strategically identified key search terms to facilitate a comprehensive exploration of pertinent academic literature. The identified keywords, namely “healthcare access,” “health information systems,” and “rural nursing,” served as pivotal anchors in conducting a meticulous search for scholarly articles within the academic domain (South et al., 2022).

Assessing Credibility and Relevance of Information Sources

Once an article that was relevant to my topic was chosen, I used the database guide. To verify if the article was a peer-reviewed journal, I had to review references on Capella University’s website. The last three years were considered to have the most timely sources with articles used in the research method. (Garau et al., 2015). The first stage was to identify the article’s author and determine whether they were individuals or organizations. The next stage was to determine the qualifications of the authors of the selected articles. Their qualifications were evaluated based on their experience, level of education, expertise, and affiliation with an institution. The final step in judging trustworthiness was identifying the publisher and determining whether the paper was peer-reviewed. I chose only to use articles published within the last three years to ensure the information used for my research is the most up-to-date.

Annotated Bibliography

Knifton, L., & Inglis, G. (2020). Poverty and mental health: policy, practice and research implications. BJPsych Bulletin, 44(5), 193–196.

The following article is an inquiry into the relation of mental health illnesses with the poverty phenomenon. The surrounding towns of Glasgow and the Aubrey St. neighborhood, which are economically challenged regions of the United Kingdom and have particularly poor health outcomes, serve as a symbol of the larger issues the city faces. The result points out a correlation between money and health; 23% of men and 26% of women in the poorest areas in Scotland suffer from different psychiatric diseases, 12% of men and 16% of women who live in the most well-off areas suffer from these diseases, respectively (Lynch, 2020). The article is established as it hinges on the point of health and wealth being correlated. This mixture also was published in 2020.

Concerning the topic analyzed above, this article supports the fact that there is an interrelationship between the health and the financial capability of an individual in that the financially capable individual lives a healthier mental status than individuals living in poverty, proving the fact that health is proportional to an individual’s financial capability.

Lin, Z., & Meissner, C. M. (2020, May 1). Health vs. wealth? Public health policies and the economy during Covid-19. National Bureau of Economic Research.

The purpose of this study was to determine if health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and government departments take into account the wealth implications of health treatments, such as productivity gains and savings in other sectors when allocating resources. To examine the rationale for adding or excluding wealth impacts, the authors interviewed 13 persons from eight countries, including seven academic experts and six past or present HTA agencies or Ministries of Health employees.

Developed countries such as Sweden were found to have a higher medical and disease prevention index; however, disease prevalence in developing countries was found to be high; this implies that a country’s economic status widely affects the nation’s health. The relevancy of the article was fit as all the authors are from the Ministry of Health and some members of the World Health Organization. The time frame of the research is up to date and hence relevant; it also clearly indicates the effect of the poor and richer populations on health-seeking behaviors.

From the health issues, the economic status of a country determines the universal health coverage of a population. The article clearly shows the effect of the low financial capability of a country with regard to health, hence, a significant factor in this research.

Sun, S., & Chen, Y.-C. (2022). Is financial capability a determinant of health? Theory and evidence. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(4), 744–755.

To its end, the paper uses data from three US national surveys occurring within the RAND American Life Panel and analyses the association between financial capability and health measures of the general US population within four years. The survey involves the circulation of the recently proposed theories on financial capability as one of the determinants of health, the elimination of the likelihood of other economic indicators, like income, tipping the scales, and assumes that the relationship between these is linear. The finding indicates a significant relationship between wealth and health in that the mass population with financial capability was able to secure health insurance in comparison to those with low living standards. Concerning the fact that health insurance is a universal necessity, this article supports the fact that financial challenges are a key challenge in health-seeking habits.

Wong, S. Y., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D., Chung, G. K., Li, J., Mak, D., Lau, M., Tang, V., Gordon, D., & Wong, H. (2020). What are the financial barriers to medical care among the poor, the sick, and the disabled in the Special Administrative Region of China? PLOS ONE, 13(11), e0205794.

The purpose of this article was to discover the relationship between the financial impediments to medical care for the poor and the sick in the Administrative Region of China. The authors state that “Cross-sectional data from a sample of 2,233 participants aged 18 or above was collected from the first wave of the “Trends and Implications of Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong” survey” (Knifton & Inglis, 2020, p. 1). “In the survey involving 2,233 individuals who had filled in the questionnaires, a stunning 8.4% did not seek medical care because they could not afford this care in the past 12 months” (Knifton & Inglis, 2020, p. 5).

The authors report that people who were denied medical care owing to financial constraints are often sicker than the general Hong Kong population, implying that those with higher healthcare demands may have financial challenges in accessing timely and appropriate medical care (Knifton & Inglis, 2020). This article is relevant to the medical field as it provides a clear idea of inclusion and equity in terms of financial status. Hong Kong, being a wealthier city, shows the inequality between the rich and the poor, hence relevant in terms of stipulating the health care coverage expenses at all levels of livelihood. The authors of this article are from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Administrative Region of China. The article was also published within the time frame required, March 2020.

Learnings from the Research

The annotated articles highlight the multiple intricate roadblocks that prevent equitable healthcare access and deter people from seeking medical treatment, such as the far-reaching and financial factors as well as health insurance barriers. They highlighted the fundamental part that health insurance plays in fighting these and other similar challenges but at the same time revealed its shortcomings—for instance, when a family fails to get the necessary coverage and subsequently faces a ton of medical costs.

Based on the findings presented, global healthcare access stands as a paramount concern. A primary barrier identified in the research is the insufficiency of financial resources to cover medical expenses, leading to a potential deterioration of health conditions. This, in turn, necessitates emergency room interventions, incurring additional resources and costs. Consequently, prioritizing universal access to primary healthcare is a crucial global imperative for resources and costs. Accordingly, prioritizing universal access to primary healthcare is a crucial global imperative.


Knifton, L., & Inglis, G. (2020). Poverty and mental health: policy, practice and research implications. BJPsych Bulletin, 44(5), 193–196.

Lin, Z., & Meissner, C. M. (2020, May 1). Health vs. wealth? Public health policies and the economy during Covid-19. National Bureau of Economic Research.

Lynch, J. (2020). Regimes of inequality: The political economy of health and wealth. Cambridge University Press

South, E., Venkataramani, A., & Dalembert, G. (2022). Building black wealth — The role of health systems in closing the gap. New England Journal of Medicine, 387(9), 844–849.

Sun, S., & Chen, Y.-C. (2022). Is financial capability a determinant of health? Theory and evidence. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(4), 744–755.


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Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills

Create a 3-5 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue.

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In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and your plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing health care environment. Being adept at research will help you find the information you need. For this assessment, you will research a healthcare problem or issue faced by current healthcare organizations.

Assessment 2- Applying Research Skills

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current healthcare problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 4. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking.

Select one of the health care problems or issues presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. Write a brief overview of the selected healthcare problem or issue. In your overview:
Summarize the health care problem or issue.
Describe the professional relevance of this topic.
Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to this healthcare issue or problem.
Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used. You will select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past 3–5 years that relate to your topic.
Refer to the NHS-FPX4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective Library Guide to help you locate appropriate references.
Use keywords related to the healthcare problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
Assess the credibility and explain rthe elevance of the information sources you find.
Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
Determine if the publication is current.
Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format. Provide a rationale for the inclusion of each selected article. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic. In your annotated bibliography:
Identify the purpose of the article.
Summarize the information.
Provide a rationale for the inclusion of each article.
Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
Write your annotated bibliography in paragraph form. The annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 words (1–3 paragraphs) in length.
List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
Summarize what you have learned while developing an annotated bibliography.
Summarize what you learned from your research in a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper.
List the main points you learned from your research.
Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

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