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ASD Case Study- Molly -Communication Skills

ASD Case Study- Molly -Communication Skills


The case presented is of a 4-year-old female, Molly, with an autism spectrum disorder. She is a student in preschool. She presents with expressive and language deficits, which considerably affect her communication processes. She rarely uses her language to communicate with others. Molly fears social situations and often avoids interacting with others. She also has difficulty following instructions and finds challenges changing over activities. Molly engages in behaviors such as eye gazing, hand flapping, and vocalizations. This paper outlines strategies that may address the child’s communication challenges. Communication Skills

Several interventions can be applied to address Molly’s communication skills. Autism communication strategies are techniques that maintain effectiveness in helping autistic children develop their language and communication skills. Encouraging play and social interactions is an intervention that can help the child navigate her communication challenges. This can be attained by incorporating playful activities that the child enjoys when interacting with the child. This may entice them to interact with others more often. Imitation may also be useful in this regard. Copying the child’s sounds and play behaviors will encourage vocalization and interactions. Emphasizing nonverbal communication may also be helpful to the child in this case. Safira et al. (2020) assert that gestures and eye contact can help autistic children build a foundation for language. This underpins the utility of these interventions in language and communication development among autistic children.

Assistive devices and visual support also play a role in improving communication among children with autism. Lima Antão et al. (2018) report that assistive technologies foster speech development in autistic children. With technological advances, smart devices in the form of mobile applications have been developed. Visual support can bridge communication gaps among autistic children as they can be used to indicate thoughts and requests. This makes them valuable for improving communication processes with autistic children.

The development of functional and intentional communication processes utilizing visual supports can be achieved through systematic approaches. Picture exchange communication systems and visual schedules provide a systematic way of developing communication. Visual or picture schedules may help an autistic child learn the steps of a routine. This can be helpful in Molly’s case. Visual schedules can help her transition from one activity to another effectively. Picture exchange programs may also help her navigate her interaction challenges. Zohoorian et al. (2021) note that picture exchange programs effectively increase spontaneous communications among children with autism. The child in the case can benefit from this strategy. This will help her communicate with her peers and teachers.

Allowing the child time to talk can also bolster their communication processes. This can particularly be helpful for children who are having trouble talking. While it is natural to want to fill in the missing word for a child, this can hamper their efforts to communicate. Good practice in communicating with autistic children is allowing them to talk even if they are not talking. Pausing after asking a question and looking at the child enthusiastically can prompt them to start talking. Prompt responses to their remarks can also encourage verbalization in these children. This strategy can be helpful to the child in this case. Helping her develop good communication skills may effectively address her interaction challenges.


Autism communication strategies maintain significance in helping communication processes among children with this condition. These strategies are targeted at developing intentional and functional communication in these children. As evident in the case study, children with autism spectrum disease often present with communication and interaction challenges. Addressing these challenges using strategies such as visual supports and picture exchange programs can considerably help their communication processes.


Lima Antão, J.Y. et al. (2018) “Instruments for augmentative and alternative communication for children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review,” Clinics, 73. Available at:

Safira, I. et al. (2020) “Non-verbal communication by Autistic Children,” ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 3(4), pp. 492–505. Available at:

Zohoorian, Z., Zeraatpishe, M. and Matin Sadr, N. (2021) “Effectiveness of the picture exchange communication system in teaching English vocabulary in children with autism spectrum disorders: A single-subject study,” Cogent Education, 8(1). Available at:


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ASD Case Study: Molly (Communication Skills)


In this assignment, you will analyze how communication skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment. It is important to give young children with ASD proper strategies and environmental support that meet their individual needs. Always be sure to give young children a voice in their environment.

ASD Case Study- Molly -Communication Skills

Scenario: ASD Case Study: Molly

Molly is a 4-year-old preschool student with ASD and significant expressive and receptive language deficits. She seldom uses her language spontaneously to communicate with peers and teachers. She has a difficult time following directions and transitioning from one activity to the next. Molly is very fearful of social situations and often avoids social interactions. Molly spends the vast majority of her time on the playground alone, with little peer interaction. Molly engages in stereotypical behaviors such as hand flapping, vocalizations, and eye gazing. She has been noted to slap herself in the head and has recently begun slapping parents and teachers. Molly is noted to have a short attention span, poor motor coordination, difficulty tying her shoes and managing snaps and buttons, and sensory-seeking needs.

Assignment Directions

Based on the above case study of Molly, you will write a 1–2-page informative essay that analyzes how Molly’s communication skills can be addressed. This essay should include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly, given her identified individual needs.


Briefly summarize the case study and identify how this paper will help address Molly’s needs in communication skills.
Communication Skills

Analyze how Molly’s communication skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment.
Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.

Link the strategies and supports you have provided above to illustrate the characteristics of the recommended learning environment for Molly.
Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, section number, and date.
Body: In 1–2 pages, answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate and reflect knowledge of early childhood education theories and practices.
Reference page: Sources in APA format
Please include at least two different references in your responses.
Your full references should be listed alphabetically on the reference page.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left-aligned.
Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
Use current APA formatting and citation style throughout your paper.
If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Writing Center.

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