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Article Review- Dyslexia a Learning Disability

Article Review- Dyslexia a Learning Disability

Dyslexia is one of the common types of learning disabilities. Learners with dyslexia are likely to face various challenges, and their success in education largely depends upon the ability of instructors to be responsible for their literacy development by applying the best instructional strategy to address their needs. Moats (2019) asserts that knowledge about dyslexia helps teachers understand the origin, prevalence, and characteristics and how evidence-based instructional methods could be applied to enhance and support reading performance among students with dyslexia. According to the International Dyslexia Association, students with dyslexia require structured literacy that involves selecting specific and systematic reading instructions that cater to the learning needs of these learners (Moats, 2019). Because these learners usually have language processing weaknesses, pre-service teachers should prepare themselves to work with students with dyslexia by sharpening their skills in language and speech sound. Accordingly, this paper aims to examine why pre-service teacher candidates should have knowledge of dyslexia and instructional applications that could be used for future teaching experiences. This review will be based on an analysis of two articles, “Dyslexia and the Brain” and “Effective Reading Instruction for Students with Dyslexia” by the International Dyslexia Association.

Ten Key Terms

Brain imaging: The use of quantitative techniques to study the structure and function of the central nervous system.

Brain function in dyslexia. When the left hemisphere part of the brain fails, it prevents a student from speech acquisition, hence unable to read properly.

Brain chemistry. This is the composition of the brain of a child with dyslexia. A person with dyslexia has a different metabolic activation distribution than one without reading problems.

Cause versus consequence. Analyzing the brain area affected by the condition helps determine whether the findings are related to motivation or consequence.

Brain autonomy: Understanding the part of the brain affected that prevents one from reading normally.

Dyslexia learning disorders. Common learning disorders associated with dyslexia include problems with reading, writing, and spelling.

Phonology. Extreme difficulties in reading due to phonological impairments caused by dyslexia.

Tractography. A modeling technique used to determine the brain nerves that have been destroyed by dyslexia.

Avenues of treatment. These are the treatment options that students with dyslexia should be administered once the condition’s cause has been identified.

Syllable instruction. This type of instruction, oral or written, is used when teaching English rules to students with dyslexia.


Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. Students with this disability suffer a cluster of symptoms that affect their language acquisition skills, such as spelling, writing, and pronouncing words. Dyslexia affects students throughout their lives, but sometimes, the impacts may change at different stages in life. Dyslexia is a learning disability because it affects students’ ability to succeed academically, thus explaining the emphasis regarding why practicing teachers should learn instructional strategies that would empower such students by addressing their specific learning goals.

The articles “Dyslexia and the Brain” and “Effective Reading Instruction for Students with Dyslexia” shed light on the causes of dyslexia to help teachers, parents, and other educational stakeholders understand the cause and effects. Nonetheless, the cause of the condition is not completely clear. Still, brain imagery studies have revealed that the brain of a person with dyslexia develops and functions differently from that of other people. Brain studies based on anatomy, brain chemistry, brain function, and a combination of other issues related to genetic composition have revealed that the causes and effects of the condition could be determined by studying a person’s brain (The International Dyslexia Association, 2020a). Most students with the disease have been diagnosed with separate speech sounds. For example, their pronunciation of certain words, letters, and sounds differs from those without the condition (The International Dyslexia Association, 2020a). Notably, most students with dyslexia do not perform poorly due to a lack of intelligence or desire to learn (The International Dyslexia Association, 2020b). With appropriate instructional teaching methods, these students can learn and master a language with the right tutoring and mentorships.

Syllable instruction is a highly recommended method in the articles, as it helps learners with dyslexia develop their language skills. The method advocates using oral or written sounds in teaching basic language acquisition skills. For instance, a teacher can use the closed vowel consonant-e, open consonant-le, r-controlled, and vowel pairing (The International Dyslexia Association, 2020b). By understanding how to pair these syllable types, the learner can determine the vowel’s sound in the syllable. These rules increase a learner’s awareness of where a long, unfamiliar word may be divided for greater accuracy.

Implications for Teaching

From a personal opinion, the ability to identify learners with dyslexia is crucial because it will help a teacher understand why certain learners may be unable to memorize spellings or experience difficulties with reading. By knowing how to differentiate the common symptoms and effects of the condition on a learner’s academic performance, I will identify and structure my classroom based on the instructional materials that support their learning goals.

Dyslexia can affect a child’s self-esteem, especially when humiliated by others. For example, when a student learns that they are the only one unable to understand certain basic skills compared to their peers, the humiliating struggle can lead to poor classroom participation and performance. Therefore, using the most appropriate instructional materials that suit the needs of these learners will help reinforce language acquisition skills. In the future, I plan on incorporating evidence-based interventions that have proven to benefit this type of learner. I will apply the syllable instruction technique that includes oral or written materials for teaching English rules to students with dyslexia. Therefore, the two articles have increased my preparation techniques for working with students with dyslexia. I will apply the skills to help these students sharpen their language and speech sound skills.


Dyslexia is a common learning disability affecting students globally. Learners with dyslexia are likelier to experience challenges associated with language and speech acquisition. Therefore, such learners’ success in education largely depends upon the ability of instructors to be responsible for their literacy development. As such, teachers should learn skills that will enable them to apply the best instructional strategy to address these learners’ specific needs. Additionally, teachers should have a vast knowledge of analyzing this condition’s common symptoms and effects on a child’s performance, which is helpful in diagnosing the condition and determining whether the findings of its effects are related to cause or consequence.


Moats, L. (2019). Structured literacy: Effective instruction for students with dyslexia and related reading difficulties. Perspectives on Language and Literacy45(2), 9-11. Moats-2019-Structured-Literacy_-Effective-Instruction-for-Students-with-dyslexia-and-related-reading-difficulties.pdf (

The International Dyslexia Association. (2020a). Dyslexia and the brain.

The International Dyslexia Association. (2020b). Effective reading instruction for students with dyslexia.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Dyslexia and the BrainDownload Dyslexia and the Brain
Effective Instruction for Students with DyslexiaDownload Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia
You will complete 1 review of both articles combined into one analysis. After reading, you will first identify 10 keywords that you think are important for a professional reading educator to understand. You will list and define these 10 keywords. Next, you will summarize the articles.

Article Review- Dyslexia a Learning Disability

Last, you will reflect and propose instructional applications of the information (how you plan to consider this information within your future classroom). See the layout/format of how to organize your paper by clicking this link to the Article Review Format Download Article Review Format. Also, click this link to see the Research Article Review Rubric. Download the Research Article Review Rubric to learn what is expected and how your submission will be graded.

Because the articles are provided for this first assignment, you will not have to include the actual articles (scanned as pdf) as it is stated in the grading rubric in the criteria section: “source.” However, you will do that when you get to select your own article later (because I need to read the articles before I can grade your summary & implications for teaching).

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