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Arrests and Use of Force

Arrests and Use of Force           

Recommend the two (2) most important factors you believe law enforcement officers should consider when using force in instances that individuals are passively resisting. Provide a rationale for your response.

The police use of force during arrests causes injury and even death risks for both officers and suspects (Worden, 2015). One important factor that officers should consider when using force is the level of risk that a suspect poses. If a suspect has no significant risk, like in a situation where they are not armed, then it is not necessary to use excessive force that can put the suspect or officers’ lives at risk. Another factor to consider is whether non-deadly physical control is helpful in the situation. Not all resisting suspects deserve to have deadly force used on them.

Analyze the interrogation and questioning process that law enforcement officers can conduct after a justifiable arrest. In your own opinion, determine whether or not you believe these processes restrain officials from obtaining information related to crimes; please include in your thoughts how the Miranda rights relate to your ideas. Justify your answer.

The interrogation and questioning process is set up to get information that could help a case while also protecting the rights of the suspect. Miranda Rights allow the suspect to remain silent and protect themselves from self-incrimination because anything they say can be used against them in a court of law. These processes do not restrain officials from getting information but rather give people a chance to protect themselves and get assistance from legal professionals before sharing information (Hodgson, 2015).


Hodgson, J. (2015). The role of lawyers during police detention and questioning: a comparative study. Contemp. Readings L. & Soc. Just., 7, 7.

Worden, R. E. (2015). The causes of police brutality: Theory and evidence on police use of force. Criminal justice theory: Explaining the nature and behavior of criminal justice, 149-204.


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Arrests and Use of Force

Go to the National Institute of Justice Website Website and read the information, “Research on Police Use of Force” located at

Arrests and Use of Force

Arrests and Use of Force

Also, read “The Use-of-Force Continuum,” located at

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