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Applying what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the student behaviours

Applying what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the student behaviors

How would you prepare to manage students with even more challenging classroom behaviors after completing the readings, viewing videos, and the Iris Center Modules on Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors? Share a specific example of noncompliant Behavior you have experienced or anticipate, and discuss the Behavior (s) and your ideas for engaging the student in a more acceptable, positive.

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I would prepare to manage students with even more challenging behaviors by:

  1. Identifying the function of problem behaviors.
  2. Designing individual behavior plans based on the functions of the problem
  3. Implementing and evaluating individual Behavior

Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan ( (Retrieved June 18, 2019)

A 7th-grade student, Hanna, has been diagnosed with behavioral and emotional disturbance. She states that she has a lot of problems she is encountering at home. One morning in school, one of my Instructional Assistants (IA) saw Hannah stabbing her hand with a short pencil she was holding. This was a cause for concern, and we both reported this Behavior to the school psychologist, Mr. Paul, who happened to be calling on the phone to find out if everything was okay with the class. Ms. Paloma, one of my Instructional Assistants, then reported the incident to the school psychologist, who came over as quickly as he could. A campus assistant was also summoned to the classroom to take the pencil away from Hannah.

The school psychologist and the campus assistant talked to Hannah about giving up the pencil Hannah was using to hurt herself. She was asked to give it to the school psychologist or the campus assistant. Hannah refused. The campus assistant then told Hannah that he had several colorful pencils in his car that she could have if she just turned over the short pencil she was holding. Hannah still refused. Because of this noncompliant Behavior, the school psychologist and the campus assistant forced the pencil out of Hannah’s hand. Hannah then engaged in her crying spells for about 20 minutes. I anticipate such an incident to happen again. Now and then, Hannah engages in crying spells to release some of the tension she has been feeling because of the problems at home.

After this incident, I saw Hannah helping the same Instructional Assistant make copies for our next lesson in Social Communications. I then praised Hannah for being helpful and asked her to keep up the excellent work. This way, I could engage Hannah in more acceptable, positive behaviors.

Select a Differential Reinforcement strategy (DRO, DRI, or DRL discussed in Iris) and share how that might be used and implemented. What other skills would you teach? How will you reinforce new skills? How will you gain implementation support?

In Hannah’s case, I selected Eliminating Behaviors using Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO). Hannah’s crying spells are unwanted, especially since Hannah is already a 7th grader and no longer a baby. (During these crying spells, Hannah cries like a baby). Knowing now that after her crying spells, she could be talked into helping my Instructional Assistant make copies, I would continuously praise Hannah for positive behaviors and encourage her to be productive.

The following is a list of steps for implementing DRO:

  1. Identify the Behavior you would like to eliminate. Hannah’s crying
  2. Define this Behavior using precise language. For example, “Crying spells are instances where Hannah feels so emotionally disturbed by an unwanted occurrence at home or in school and cries out for 10.”
  3. Using a timer, select an interval for how often you will check on this unwanted Behavior. Remember that behaviors that occur more frequently will need a shorter schedule (e.g., fifteen minutes for crying out) than those that occur less.
  4. When the timer goes off, determine whether the Behavior occurred during the period and respond accordingly. If the Behavior did not occur, give the student reinforcement (e.g., verbal praise, stickers). If the Behavior did occur, let the student know that you are resetting the timer for another.
  5. As the problem behavior decreases, increase the interval. For example, change your “crying spells” checks from 24 hours to 48

I would teach Hannah to be more helpful in getting food for her other classmates during the nutrition break and lunch. I would also teach Hannah to work in groups, collaborate with her classmates, and become more sociable in school so that she does not focus on her problems at home.

I would reinforce this new plan by creating a support team composed of the school psychologist, the campus assistant, my Instructional Assistants, and myself. I would also implement the use of Positive Behavior Support (PBS). “PBS is for children who persist in challenging behaviour and do not respond to general child guidance procedures. PBS is an approach to developing effective and individualized interventions for children with severely challenging behaviour. PBS was developed both from the science of applied behaviour analysis and the values of children centred on understanding the purpose of challenging behaviour. The positive strategies used to change behaviour include teaching new skills, preventing the occurrence of challenging behaviour, and supporting the child in achieving meaningful, long-term outcomes.” (Fox, 2005).

PBS will work effectively in bringing together a support team concerned and knowledgeable about the child. Also, parents’ input here will be necessary for this plan to work.

Access these three sites and complete the data collection as you observe the behaviors in the videos provided within each document. (Videos are located in each document’s “Activity” section.)

Behavior: Duration and Latency Recording Behavior: Frequency and Interval Recording Conduct an ABC Analysis

  1. After you have completed the behavior data collection- Use an Open-Ended Discussion Format to share your insights with each Insight Response – which may be in bulleted or narrative format. Bullet format should not be a mere list but complete sentences incorporating personal voice and thoughts.

Discuss your observations about what was easy and problematic about each of the three types of data collection.

  1. In the first video on Duration and Latency Recording, it is easy to determine that Kim’s Behavior is problematic and warrants intervention. It is also easy to define the target behavior. The student is off-task by staring into space aside from doing her work, tapping into the tip and the eraser of the pencil, sharpening her pencil, counting her fingers, and playing with her hands. She was also occasionally slouching. Choosing a data-collection system to provide the most accurate picture of student performance in this scenario is problematic.
  2. In the second video on Frequency and Interval Recording, it is easy to determine that the student’s Behavior is problematic and warrants intervention. It is easy to define the target behavior. The student does her work but begrudgingly. She often complains about the task assigned to her and comments that it is boring and would rather be doing something else. It is also challenging to choose a data-collection system that will provide the most accurate picture of student performance in this.
  3. In the third video, Behavior Assessment: Conduct on A-B-C Analysis, the child is having tantrums because he is not getting the attention he wants from the adult, who is just passing back and forth with the dog. If I am not mistaken, that could be the boy’s mother or babysitter. The Antecedent was the adult passing. The Behavior was a temper tantrum, and the adult ignored the Consequence. Ignoring the child does not help because it reinforces the tantrums. It is an attention-seeking behavior. It is difficult to ascertain if attention will minimize the child’s temper tantrums. We could try that to see if it will ease his tantrums and stop him from crying.

Discuss unanswered questions or wonderings you may like to share with your classmates in the discussion post.

I still wonder if they do these three types of assessments in today’s classrooms. I have not done it in any of the classrooms I have been to.

Discuss any connections about use in the classroom

  1. text-to-text connections (How to relate connections to information learned)
  2. What we are learning is theoretically sound, but I have not seen it done in actuality inside the classroom.
  3. text to self-connections (How to relate connections to yourself as a teacher or in your personal life.)
  4. I would like to see how it works inside my classroom. I want to find out if it will all work for me.
  5. text to world connections (How to relate connections to other areas outside the classroom.)
  6. Linking it to the world around us makes what we learn sound. If we could change. It is mighty to minimize and extinguish unwanted behaviors to the point of extinction.

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Fox, L. (2005). What Works Briefs. Positive Behavior Support: An Individualized Approach for Addressing Challenging Behavior. Centre on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. (Retrieved June 18, 2019). on Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors, Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle and Behavioral Interventions, Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan (Retrieved June 12, 2019)


We’ll write everything from scratch


Assume Student A and Student B are in your classroom. Apply what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the following student behavior scenarios:

Applying what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the student behaviors

Discuss the following:


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