Applying Knowledge
I will apply the knowledge gained from this course to learn how people function and behave in workplaces. This course will help me understand people’s identities as part of work groups and why they behave the way they do. For instance, employees’ deviant behavior will likely change the organization’s procedures and policies. Kendall (2017) agrees that deviance can be good when it leads to changed behavior that impacts society positively (Kendall, 2017). The knowledge from this course, such as social control and social groups, will help me, as a human resource manager, develop procedures and policies that are more likely to impact employees’ productivity and behavior positively.
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Additionally, studying culture has expanded my knowledge of other people’s cultures. In my daily life, I can apply the knowledge of diversity and culture by being sensitive and appreciative of different cultures. Besides, I realized that culture impacts the methods of communication, and this knowledge can help me in my future career to develop channels of communication suitable for people in the organization. Besides, DeFleur (2014) finds that communication influences the behaviors of human beings.
Moreover, knowledge in this course has given me a critical perspective and insight into solving social problems. For instance, regarding violent crime among adolescents, arresting the criminals and putting them in juvenile detention alone is not enough. Introducing preventive methods such as educating parents, counseling programs, and strict school disciplinary measures are some solutions to prevent adolescents from engaging in violent behaviors (Thornton et al., 2000). I can apply this knowledge when raising my children in the future, especially by having emotion-based or solution-based strategies to help them express their temperaments like fear, anger, and irritability. Besides, children with difficult temperaments like anger, fear, and irritability evoke negative parenting (Micalizzi, Wang, & Saudino, 2017). Having emotional intelligence will help me as a parent in positively dealing with my children.
Additionally, this course will help me deal with employees’ expressions and gain emotional intelligence skills as a human resources manager. As I plan to study a course in human psychology in the future, this knowledge will come in handy in understanding the root causes of human behaviors concerning psychology. Besides, the sociological research methods will help me identify the best approach to use in studying my future research. The most interesting topics were social groups, organizations, crime and deviance, families, relationships, education, and culture and socialization.
DeFleur, M. H. (2014). Fundamentals of human communication. New York: McGraw Hill.
Kendall, D. (2017). Sociology in Our Times 11th Edition: New York: Cengage Learning.
Micalizzi, L., Wang, M., & Saudino, K. J. (2017). Difficult temperament and negative parenting in early childhood: A genetically informed cross‐lagged analysis. Developmental science, 20(2), e12355.
Thornton, T. N., Craft, C. A., Dahlberg, L. L., Lynch, B. S., & Baer, K. (2000). Best practices of youth violence prevention: A sourcebook for community action.
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Unit 8 DB: Applying KnowledgeUnit 8 DB: Applying Knowledge

Applying Knowledge
Moving forward, how will you apply what you have learned in this course? Are there things you can apply to your personal life? Professional life? Future courses? What topics were most interesting to you?