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Application of nursing theory to practice

Application of nursing theory to practice

The application of nursing theory to practice is crucial to becoming a distinguished nurse and having a significant effect on your patients’ lives. In the school of nursing, you will discover the nursing theory power in advancing your medical practice and pushing your nursing profession to new frontiers.

In this article for nursing theorists and nursing theories, we endeavor to aid you in comprehending the significance of nursing theory, classifications, types, and purpose and provide you with the application of nursing theory to practice overview. Our nursing assignment help will also save you the tons of time and energy required to tackle your assignment.

Understanding nursing theories

What are nursing theories?

They are organized knowledge bodies to define nursing, the nurse’s role, and the reason behind it. Nursing theories define nursing way as a special discipline that isolates itself from other various disciplines (for example, medicine). It constitutes of purpose and concepts framework intended to lead nursing practice to a more specific and concrete level. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Nursing is devoted to acknowledging its unparalleled knowledge body to nursing science— nursing practice. To differentiate this knowledge foundation, nurses must understand, identify, and develop theories and concepts conforming to nursing.

Nursing science revolves around nursing theory, the application of nursing theory to practice, and the reasons behind it. Nursing is an exceptional discipline that is distinct from medicine discipline. It possesses its knowledge body on which care delivery is grounded.

Theories of Nursing are normally categorized into 3 different levels including:

They’re based on complex, broad, and abstract concepts. They give nursing ideas a general framework connected with components including health and people. These theories normally stem from the experience of a nurse theorist.

They delve deeper into particular nursing areas compared to dealing with sweeping theories. They can be derived from research, nursing practice, or from similar disciplines theories.

They narrow their concentration even further, particularly concentrating on concepts regarding a defined population of patients at a specific time. The theories tend to directly affect patients compared to the two other theory types.

The importance and significance of the application of nursing theory to practice include;

Introduction to nursing theories

Nursing models and theories are very significant to specialized knowledge body development. In current decades theories in nursing commenced independently. Previously the nursing career depended on other disciplines theories including sociology, medicine, and psychology as a practice basis.

Theory is a phrase offered to the knowledge body that is applied to back up the nursing practice. Nurses in their expert education will learn various interconnected subjects that can be used in the clinical setting. The knowledge might be obtained from empirical learning, non-nursing sources, or formal sources including nursing research.

Models of Nursing are theoretical models, created of concepts and theories. They’re used to assist nurses in implementing, assessing, and healthcare management by giving a framework in which to operate.

Nursing theories and theorists

The following nursing theories and theorists will give you rich ideas for your assignment writing on the application of nursing theory to practice assignment;

1.      Environmental Theory by Florence Nightingale

In her theory, she distinguished 5 environmental factors including:

The factors were crucial to reducing the contagious diseases spread and reducing morbidity and mortality.

While Nightingale might have initiated the 1st theory of nursing in 1860, it’s still very relevant to date. In places where pure water, fresh air, efficient drainage, sanitation or cleanliness, and direct sunlight or light aren’t present, mortality and morbidity are increased.

2.      Theory of Nursing Need by Virginia Henderson

It revolves around the basic human wants concept. Henderson had a belief that the nurse’s role is to help people fulfill their basic needs and assist them in raising their independence.

Henderson’s theory affirms the role of the nurse in aiding patients in the following activities:

3.      Human Caring Theory by Jean Watson

Jean is a nursing theorist popular for her Human Caring Theory. She highlights creating a compassionate and caring relationship between a patient and the nurse importance.

Watson’s theory concentrates on 10 factors including:

  1. Affirming altruistic-humanistic values by applying compassion and kindness
  2. Being present genuinely and fostering belief, faith, and hope systems while respecting oneself and other’s subjective experiences
  3. Cultivating spiritual practices and self-awareness, surpassing self-centeredness to attain a humanistic presence.
  4. Nurturing and developing caring, loving, and trusting relationships
  5. Encouraging both negative and positive emotional expression, actively listening keenly to other people’s stories without a verdict
  6. Practicing inventive problem-solving via the process of caring-healing
  7. Participating in transpersonal learning and teaching within a caring relationship, familiarizing yourself with the perspective of the individual, and shifting towards a training approach for boosted health
  8. Building various levels of a healing environment, fostering a genuine caring presence atmosphere at a subtle and energetic level.
  9. Acknowledging spirit, mind, and body interconnectedness, while upholding personal decency
  10. Embracing the unknown, spiritual, and mysterious life aspects

4.      Theory of Transcultural Nursing by Madeleine Leininger

It’s also referred to as Culture-care Theory, and it focuses on giving culturally consistent care by respecting and understanding diverse groups’ and individuals’ practices, values, and beliefs.

5.      Theory of Interpersonal Relations by Hildegard Peplau

The theory affirms that the nurse-patient association journey involves 3 pivotal stages crucial for their thriving:

As claimed by Peplau, the role of the nurse is to accelerate the development and growth of the patient by applying understanding, therapeutic communication, and empathy.

6.      Neuman Systems Model by Betty Neuman

This theory focuses on recognizing stressors that can negatively affect an individual’s general well-being and health. It comprises various factors including developmental, physiological, sociocultural, and psychological aspects.

It also provides a flexible nursing practice evaluation, assessment, and intervention structure.

7.      Adaptation Model by Callista Roy

This theory is grounded on the assurance that human beings are adjustable systems, regularly collaborating with their surroundings to control their psychosocial and physiological integrity. It sees a person as holistic, comprising 4 interrelated adaptive modes including:

8.      Unitary Human Beings Science by Martha Rogers

Martha Rogers had a belief that nursing must concentrate on advancing balance and harmony within human being and their surroundings.

The theory highlights human being’s interconnectedness with their environment and the healing and health energy fields importance. In other words, patients can’t be contemplated as “independent” from their surroundings.

9.      Novice-Expert Theory by Patricia Benner

It defines the nursing skill stages starting with novice then advanced beginner, all the way, to competent.

Patricia Benner affirms nursing practice clinical judgment and practical experience importance and emphasizes that expertise advances over time via reflection and practice.

10.  Goal Attainment Theory by Imogene King

It concentrates on the relationship between a nurse and a patient and the collaborative process of goal-setting. Her theory affirms that patients and nurses must cooperate to develop goals that boost the health and well-being of patients.

11.  Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba

It highlights providing patients comfort significance as the nursing care central goal.

Katharine Kolcaba’s theory describes comfort as an immediate strengthening experience in sociocultural, physical, environmental, and psychospiritual dimensions.

The framework suggests that healthcare givers:


By Application of nursing theory to practice, you can transform healthcare and play a role in the nursing profession’s advancement. As you commence your journey to becoming a nurse, keep in mind that a nursing theory isn’t just an analytical exercise but also an operational framework.

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