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Annotated Bibliography – Key Areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology- Foundations, Workplace Dynamics, and Employee Development

Annotated Bibliography – Key Areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology- Foundations, Workplace Dynamics, and Employee Development

Training and Performance Design and Issues in the Workplace

Shin, M. G., Kim, Y. K., Kim, S. Y., & Kang, D. M. (2020). Relationship Between Job Training and Subjective Well-being in Accordance with Work Creativity, Task Variety, and Occupation. Safety and health at work, 11(4), 466–478.

Training is essential in the workplace since it ensures better employee output. With this background, Shin et al. (2020) set out to undertake a study to examine the relationship between training and the well-being of an employee in the workplace. The study was a cross-sectional study that qualified it as one that can be relied on when seeking knowledge on this topic. The researchers sampled 50,205 workers from the Republic of Korea. The paper’s results showed that training impacts employees’ well-being, especially if the training is done for more than three days.

The information offered in the study through the cross-sectional research provides significant knowledge on the impact that training can have on the mental well-being of employees. The study’s results also show a strong connection between the mental well-being of employees and the way the organization can impact their mental state by just training them. Using a sample of more than 50,000 participants is very significant since it creates room for a larger pool that increases the validity of the results. When evaluating the use of this article, it is evident that it can be applied to better understand the connection between the workers’ mental state and workplace training.

Bartlett, L., Martin, A., Neil, A. L., Memish, K., Otahal, P., Kilpatrick, M., & Sanderson, K. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace mindfulness training randomized controlled trials. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(1), 108–126.

Stress in the workplace is a significant issue because it negatively affects the performance of the employees and affects the organization. As such, this study contributes new ideas by exploiting the influence of inconsistency in the workforce and intervention features known to reduce workplace stress. The researchers in this study used a meta-analysis, in which the data was collected from 23 studies. However, a conclusion could not be made because the data was collected from pooled data for burnout. However, this study also suggested that workplace stress exists and employees’ well-being is important, which translates to their excellent performance.

When analyzing this study, one can see that the researchers relied on a scientific approach, especially using a meta-analysis. Moreover, the researcher used peer-reviewed studies, and their approach was free from biases. Hence, it is essential to note that its contents are reliable and can be used in the study. Further, when evaluating the suitability of using this research paper in a study in this subject area, there is enough evidence to show that it is a suitable source. Training and performance in the workplace involves making employees mentally, emotionally, and psychologically fit to be productive. Therefore, when the paper explores how organizations can deal with workplace stress, it offers crucial knowledge. The only issue with the paper is that it does not offer a conclusion, which is needed if it is used in a study.

Organizational Culture and Dynamics in an Organization

Sun, J., Sarfraz, M., Ivascu, L., & Ozturk, I. (2023). How does organizational culture affect employees’ mental health during COVID-19? The mediating role of transparent communication. Work (Reading, Mass.), 76(2), 473–488.

The study investigates the relationship between organizational culture and mental health in the Pakistani healthcare industry. It found that transparent communication and organizational trust significantly mediate the relationship between organizational culture and mental health. During the research, Sun et al. (2023) employed Smart PLS software to analyze the primary data collected from 509 healthcare employees in Pakistan. They used bootstrapping and algorithms in this entire process. The results of the study showed that the COVID-19 Pandemic has worsened workers’ mental health and thus reveals why positive mental health is essential in the working environment.

The researchers in this study relied on the evaluation of primary data. This was very effective since primary data offers scientific studies and results directly from the population. It is, therefore, a study whose validity and credibility cannot be questioned. However, literature reviews often have weaknesses, mainly because they are prone to bias. This is one of the reasons why a researcher using this source could also rely on other sources to support the results gathered from this study. Even so, the paper offers information that can be used to explain the connection between the mental state of employees and the organizational culture. One can now see that organizational culture determines employees’ mental health during challenges. It is a source that can be useful in this area of research.

Wut, T. M., Lee, S. W., & Xu, J. B. (2022). Role of Organizational Resilience and Psychological Resilience in the Workplace-Internal Stakeholder Perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(18), 11799.

Organizations that emphasize resilience as a core culture in their organizational culture are more likely to have a significant positive impact on the mental well-being of their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such findings were made in the study by Wut et al. (2022). The central purpose of this study was to examine how organizational resilience as a company culture can impact the employees’ perceived mental well-being from the lens of internal stakeholders. The researchers used a cross-sectional study, and responses were collected from 115 employees from different companies linked to the state of mental well-being and resilience among employees. The research results showed a direct connection between psychological resilience and mental well-being in people, specifically in workers. Employee resilience and perceived well-being are connected mainly with employee work engagement. The researcher proposes complex mediation models.

Since this study relied on a survey and data was collected from a pool of more than 100 participants, it is evident that the study offers valid and reliable results that can be generalized to a population. Moreover, since the research is peer-reviewed, its validity and credibility increase when used in other studies. Most importantly, this study will apply to research within this area since it connects the organizational culture of resilience to the mental resiliencies in employees or the state of mental well-being in employees. Also, since it was undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study will be very significant in understanding the organizational cultures appropriate for organizational challenges.

Issues Regarding Group Behavior and Conflict in the Workplace

Oliver, M., Rodham, K., Taylor, J., & McIver, C. (2021). Understanding the psychological and social influences on office workers taking breaks; a thematic analysis. Psychology & Health, 36(3), 351–366.

The employee’s decision not to take breaks is perceived in this study as a group behavior. Therefore, Oliver et al. (2021) set out to investigate office workers’ perceptions of taking breaks within the workplace and why the trend was witnessed in several workers within more than one working environment. When undertaking the study, the researchers relied on a survey method. Therefore, this was a qualitative research. Five focus groups were conducted with 27 employees at a UK local authority. The researchers then conducted an inductive thematic analysis. The key themes identified include the non-binary nature of breaks, the influence of social and work relationships, the superordination of work over breaks and health, contradictory feelings of guilt and anxiety, and the importance of remaining ‘fair game’ for work-related matters. The observation was that all these ideologies spread from one employee to another.

The researcher used a survey to collect data. Hence, the results of this study offer more detailed and informative information. Even though the researchers used a small sample of less than 100 participants, the targeted sample group offered better information because they were the employees, not managers or senior workers. The study provides knowledge of group behavior in the workplace because one can understand how such behavior, like the decision not to take breaks, is developed. Significantly, this study also shows the connection between psychology and employee behavior within the workplace.

Kılınç, E. & Doğan, E. (2022). Organizational Conflict and Psychological Well-Being      Relationship the Moderator Effect of Workplace Ostracism. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi    Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(2), pp. 619-630 DOI:10.32709/akusosbil.939567

Workplace conflict and workers’ mental well-being have a significant connection. This is a discovery made in this study, which investigated the relationship between organizational conflict and employees’ psychological well-being in Turkey. The researchers undertook quantitative research, sampling 425 participants and collecting data from 811 individuals within this sample (Kılınç and Doğan, 2022). The results of this research showed that conflict and ostracism negatively impact the psychological well-being of employees (Kılınç and Doğan, 2022). Workplace ostracism moderates this relationship.

This study was quantitative research; thus, the results can be generalized to the other population because the sample size was larger than 100, which is the recommended number. The research study is also reliable in this area of study since the researcher relied on peer-reviewed journals in their investigations. The connection between psychological well-being and workplace conflict is also clearly discussed. The researcher also explained relevant theories and further evaluated what other literature offers in this study area. Therefore, this research can be used effectively in the study of this topic. Most importantly, this work by Kılınç and Doğan (2022) is reliable and can be used by researchers seeking to gather more knowledge on how psychology connects with the workplace and issues within an organization.


Bartlett, L., Martin, A., Neil, A. L., Memish, K., Otahal, P., Kilpatrick, M., & Sanderson, K. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace mindfulness training randomized controlled trials. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(1), 108–126.

Kılınç, E. & Doğan, E. (2022). Organizational Conflict and Psychological Well-Being      Relationship the Moderator Effect of Workplace Ostracism. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi    Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(2), pp. 619-630 DOI:10.32709/akusosbil.939567

Oliver, M., Rodham, K., Taylor, J., & McIver, C. (2021). Understanding the psychological and social influences on office workers taking breaks; a thematic analysis. Psychology & Health, 36(3), 351–366.

Shin, M. G., Kim, Y. K., Kim, S. Y., & Kang, D. M. (2020). Relationship Between Job Training and Subjective Well-being in Accordance with Work Creativity, Task Variety, and Occupation. Safety and health at work, 11(4), 466–478.

Sun, J., Sarfraz, M., Ivascu, L., & Ozturk, I. (2023). How does organizational culture affect employees’ mental health during COVID-19? The mediating role of transparent communication. Work (Reading, Mass.), 76(2), 473–488.

Wut, T. M., Lee, S. W., & Xu, J. B. (2022). Role of Organizational Resilience and Psychological Resilience in the Workplace-Internal Stakeholder Perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(18), 11799.


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Annotated Bibliography
This week, you will complete an annotated bibliography for a paper that will be due in Week 5. For more information on the required format of the bibliography, visit the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page.

Annotated Bibliography - Key Areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology- Foundations, Workplace Dynamics, and Employee Development

Annotated Bibliography – Key Areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology- Foundations, Workplace Dynamics, and Employee Development

Choosing what area of I/O psychology you want to study begins with examining the following areas related to the course competencies. Choose 3 areas from the list below. Remember, this is a course on the psychology of the workplace, so the research should relate to that.

The origins of I/O psychology and its importance to the vitality of industries.
I/O psychology as part of the science of psychology.
Job analysis, recruitment, and selection.
Training and performance design and issues in the workplace.
Organizational culture and dynamics in an organization.
Main theories and practices regarding leadership and management, worker motivation, and employee satisfaction.
The role of I/O psychology in improving the workplace environment.
Issues regarding group behavior and conflict in the workplace.
Using the South University Online Library database (ProQuest or EBSCOHOST) only, find 2 journal articles related to each of the chosen areas. You will need to locate research articles that have been published in scholarly journals. Scholarly journal articles are also referred to as primary-source, peer-reviewed articles. The articles must also be current, that is, published within the last 5 to 6 years. Finally, Web sites, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and other books cannot be used for this assignment.

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