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Analyzing Engagement and Assessment Techniques in Mental Health Practice- A Case Study of Shawn

Analyzing Engagement and Assessment Techniques in Mental Health Practice- A Case Study of Shawn

In the video, the provider takes on an asset-based approach, which enables him to gauge the strengths of the client (Shawn). The client claims to be strong in mathematics and basketball. Through this kind of assessment, the provider can help Shawn to resolve his anger-management problem using the skills that he already possesses (). The provider also takes on a needs-based approach to understand the need of the client. He strives to find out why the client had to meet with him and also find out why he holds his anger towards his mother. The provider also assesses the helping hands and the people in Shawn’s life that he is most comfortable around. Shawn claims to have a girlfriend and father-figure coach who listens to him and offers advice when needed. In doing so, the provider is able to find out the resources and supporters available to the client. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Even though the provider has done an impeccable job in ensuring that the client opens up and gets comfortable enough, he paraphrases some of the client’s statements in a manner that antagonizes the client’s mother. This could be unhelpful as the client might feel justified to express his strong feelings of anger towards his mother.

I would make use of a functional assessment approach which would help me collect data on the reasons behind the client’s challenging behavior (Desrochers & Fallon, 2014). The client claims that his mother is constantly nagging him about school, and this makes him angry. I would find out how the client would wish his mother would treat him and help him find a good solution that would be beneficial to him and to his relationship with his mother.


Bolger, J.,& Walker, P. (2014). Models of Assessment. Sage Publications.

Desrochers, M.,& Fallon, M. (2014). Instruction in Functional Assessment. Open SUNY Textbooks.


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Please view the video below: Introduction to Mental Health Assessment. Pay close attention to the provider’s techniques for engaging/assessing the client and any techniques that negatively impact the engagement.

Analyzing Engagement and Assessment Techniques in Mental Health Practice- A Case Study of Shawn

Analyzing Engagement and Assessment Techniques in Mental Health Practice- A Case Study of Shawn

After viewing the video, please answer the following questions as a social worker:

1)What engagement/assessment techniques does the provider use that could be helpful in engaging Shawn?
2) Are there any techniques the provider used that you think could be unhelpful?
3) What would you do differently as you engage/assess Shawn?
*Consider that the client is 16 years old.

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