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Analyzing and Presenting Data on individual project

Analyzing and Presenting Data on individual project

The current statistical analysis report offers an opportunity to analyze descriptive statistics using a data set and reporting the statistics. While analyzing data may be a challenging task, reporting data accurately is also a task. In the current context, the process involved obtaining data from the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and performing the analysis using the Excel Analysis Tool Pack. The task forms a basis for complex quantitative and qualitative analysis and reporting in the future. The current analysis presents findings on mean, mode median, range, maximum, minimum, and range of Honolulu crimes from 1985 to 2014 on violent crime reports, Murder Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Legacy rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Property Crime Total, Burglary, Larceny theft, and Motor vehicle theft.

Data Set Chosen:  Honolulu Police Department Uniform Crime Report

Violent Crime Total

The statistics indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of total violent crimes in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 566 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 2882 cases reported in 1995, which gives a range of 2316. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the violent crime cases is 2224.45, with a median of 2453. However, the data collected for the last four years between 2011 and 2014 was 5, 3, 6, and 4 months other than 12 months like other years.

Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter

The statistics indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 5 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 46 cases reported in 1986, which gives a range of 41. The data had a mode of 36 cases reported in two years. The mean of the violent crime cases is 23.76, with a median of 20. Generally, the trend in the number of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter cases in the area has significantly decreased from 1985 through the years to 2014.

Legacy Rape

The analysis results indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of Legacy Rape cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 40 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 326 cases reported in 1992, which gives a range of 286. The data had a mode of 266 cases reported in two years. The mean of the legacy rape cases is 231.45, with a median of 241. Generally, the trend in the number of legacy rape cases in the area has significantly decreased from 1985 through the years to 2014, with 2012 recording the lowest number of cases.


The analysis results indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of robbery cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 206 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 1421 cases reported in 1996, which gives a range of 1215. The data had a mode of 1052 cases reported in two years. The mean of the robbery cases is 903.04, with a median of 956. Generally, the trend in the number of robbery cases in the area has significantly decreased from 1985 through the years to 2014, with 2012 recording the lowest number of cases again.

Aggravated Assault

The statistical analysis indicates that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of aggravated assault cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 315 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 1543 cases reported in 2006, which gives a range of 1228. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the aggravated assault cases is 1066.21, with a median of 1099. Contrary to the decreasing trend in other cases over the years, the trend in the number of aggravated assault cases in the area has significantly increased from 1985 through the years to 2011 before dropping in the last four years with few reported months.

Property Crime Total

The statistical analysis indicates that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of Property Crime Total cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 7169 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 64263 cases reported in 1995, which gives a range of 5709. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the property crime total cases is 41222.93, with a median of 44379. Contrary to the decreasing trend in other cases over the years, the trend in the number of aggravated assault cases in the area has significantly increased from 1985 through the years to 1995 before assuming a slight downward trend from 1996 to 2014.


The analysis results indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of burglary cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 1243 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 10675 cases reported in 1986, which gives a range of 9432. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the property crime total cases is 7233.69, with a median of 7692. The cases of burglary did not have a particular upward or downward trend over the years.


The statistical analysis indicates that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of larceny-theft cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 5297 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 46696 cases reported in 1995, which gives a range of 41399. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the larceny-theft cases is 29516.86, with a median of 32086. The cases of larceny theft assumed an upward trend between 1985 and 1995, a downward trend from 1996 to 1999, an upward trend from 2000 to 2002, and finally a downward trend towards 2014.

Motor Vehicle Theft

The analysis results indicate that between 1985 and 2014, the reported number of Motor Vehicle Theft cases in Honolulu for the 29 years ranged from a minimum of 629 cases reported in 2012 to a maximum of 8488 cases reported in 2002, which gives a range of 7859. The data did not have a mode since no years had an equal number of cases reported. The mean of the Motor Vehicle Theft cases is 4472.38, with a median of 3997. The cases of Motor Vehicle Theft had an upward trend between 1985 and 1995, a downward trend between 1996 and 1999, an upward trend between 2000 and 2001, and finally, a downward trend from 2002 to 2014.


Conclusively, the data analysis on the Honolulu crime report was an interesting endeavor. The findings from the study indicate that generally, the crime rates in Honolulu have a downward trend; although some have an irregular interchange of an upward and downward trend, which indicates that there is a significant reduction in crime rates except for burglary, which has an upward trend. The Honolulu police department and the relevant authorities should devote more efforts to reducing burglary cases and other cases without a regular decreasing trend. The practice of data analysis and reporting will be useful for future statistical practice.


Federal Bureau of Investigation. (n.d). Crime Data Explorer. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics. (2017). Welcome to a new way to access UCR statistics. Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Although analyzing statistical data can be challenging, it is equally challenging to convert these data into a written format. Therefore, in this activity, you will practice the important skill of data analysis and presenting statistical information in a written format.

Analyzing and Presenting Data on individual project

Analyzing and Presenting Data on individual project

Using the provided datasets of offenses reported, calculate the mean, median, mode, max, min, and range for each of the crimes. The list of crimes includes violent crime total, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, legacy rape, revised rape, robbery, aggravated assault, property crime total, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.

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