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Analysis Using the Person-in-Environment Approach

Analysis Using the Person-in-Environment Approach

Person-In-Environment Factors

Factor I: Social Role Problems

The social role problem that can be identified in this case is the fact that Mr. Keller is old and she is a widow. Also, she is financially unstable because she cannot pay for her medication (Sharma & Gupta, 2022). This is relevant information for this category. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Reach out to us. We endeavor to assist you the best way possible.

Factor II: Environmental Problems

In this case, the fact that her medical insurance cannot pay all her medical bills and the presence of malicious people who want to take advantage of her and encourage her to sell the house at a loss are environmental problems (Sharma & Gupta, 2022). This is information relevant when applying the person-in-environment factor.

Factor III: Mental Disorders

Even if Mrs. Keller does not have a mental illness, the information regarding her age is pertinent to the mental disease category because people experience cognitive decline as they age.

Factor IV: Physical Disorders

The information needed here is Mrs. Keller’s age and condition. She is 79 years old and has leukemia. This health condition and age predispose her to physical weakness. Do you need help with your assignment?

Personal Strengths and Resources Relevant to the Case

The house can be considered the main strength and resource Mrs. Keller has. However, her age can also be a strength because people her age receive support from institutions like The Partnership for Prescription Assistance. This institution helps elderly persons get medication and drugs at lower costs.

How Her Strengths and Resources Could Be Applied to the Problems Identified Above

The house is a resource that can be used to pay for medical bills if no other sources of money are available where she could sell the house and move to a smaller one. Nonetheless, the recommended action is to seek medical support from organizations, such as The Partnership for Prescription Assistance, that help older adults. Fortunately, her age qualifies her to receive support from such organizations.

Information Isolation for Use in the Person-In-Environment Model

When information is isolated, one has a much better understanding of the situation. Isolating information also helps one know precisely what the individual can work with within the identified social problem. It was not comfortable thinking about Mrs. Keller’s situation in this way because, as one delves deeper into her problem by isolating the important elements, it becomes clear that Mrs. Keller has serious issues to deal with (Ashford et al., 2018). It is impossible to overlook the elderly woman’s desperate and sad situation, and this awareness fills one with worry and pity, which is unsettling. Consistently, this model has strengths in its integrated features that help describe the challenges surrounding a person. This technique helps the social service officer connect the person of interest with the things in their environment that are directly on them, like organizations, families, and local communities (Ashford et al., 2018). The approach also helps to isolate specific sources of problems, thus making it easier to identify the root causes of problems. With the root cause identified, one can identify solutions. The one weakness that stands out is that when using this approach, it is easier to blame the external environment and other people as opposed to looking at other challenges that might be internal.


Ashford, J. B., Lecroy, C. W., & Williams, L. R. (2018). Human behavior in the social environment: A multidimensional perspective (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

Sharma, N.P. & Gupta, V. (2022). Human behavior in a social environment.


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Mrs. Keller is a 79-year-old widow living in a tiny home that she and her husband owned. She was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago, and her insurance policy does not cover all of her medical bills. Due to stress and illness, she has become frail and depressed. A couple of smooth con artists tell her she can get money out of her house and that they will buy it from her. However, a clause in the contract says that the seller will pay for all repair costs after the sale. This con has cost other seniors not only their homes but their equity in their homes.

Analysis Using the Person-in-Environment Approach

Analysis Using the Person-in-Environment Approach

1) Identify information that is relevant to each of the four person-in-environment factors: Factor I: Social-role problems; Factor II: Environmental problems; Factor III: Mental disorders; and Factor IV: Physical disorders.
2)Identify personal strengths and resources relevant to the case.
3)How could her strengths and resources be applied to the problems identified above?
4)What was it like to isolate information for use in the person-in-environment model? Did you feel comfortable thinking about Mrs. Keller’s situation in this way? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons of using this model?

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