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Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

The success and prosperity of any given company are usually determined by the adopted culture of leadership[ CITATION Leg20 \l 1033 ]. The leadership of a company plays a key role in determining the strategic options for the company, the nature of the management initiative, and the relationship between the company and its relevant stakeholders. The right leadership culture with the ability to promote effective measures for organizational progress and prosperity must be articulated horizontally rather than hierarchically. A horizontal leadership culture ensures effective stakeholder engagement, not to mention an improved commitment to social responsibility. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.

The success of a Fortune 500 Company is based on the position of its leadership culture and its ability to promote impressive attention to reliable management strategies that respond positively to both its industry and market concerns[ CITATION JOD23 \l 1033 ].

Fortune 500 Company aims to promote further attention to its growth and development commitments. However, to respond positively to the growth and development initiative, it is important to assess its corporate-level strategies and evaluate the organizational ability to increase its competitive advantage. Factors of considerable attention to the assessment, in this case, are organizational analysis, industry analysis, and market analysis.

About Fortune 500 Company

 Founded in the year 1929 by Henry Robinson Luce in the United States, the Fortune 500 Company has become the world’s leading business publication, listing 500 of the largest companies in the United States monthly. The listing of the 500 best-performing companies in the United States is done by ranking them from the best-performing down the line. The ranking of the companies in Fortune 500 Company is done based on their total revenues accrued in respective fiscal years. The success of this company in achieving its business objectives stimulated the progress of the Fortune 500 to the current era. Initially, the company only paid attention to a limited number of companies. The company commenced by listing organizations that derived their revenues from mining, manufacturing, and exploration of energy. However, with time, other companies showed interest in joining the Fortune 500, a move that saw the management of the company allowing service companies. Ideally, the rationale for the expansion was stimulated by the increase in the number of organizations willing to join a Fortune 500 Company. The position of other companies finding it a good idea to be part of the 500 organizations in the Fortune 500 is a recipe for a perfect management structure that creates a favourable business environment or opportunity to enjoy others. Therefore, it is important to ensure a perfect analysis of both the internal and external factors of the company, which enables its commitment to a successful business environment.

Analysis of Fortune 500 Company

 Organizational analysis is a critical factor when engaging in any activity aiming to understand the company’s ability and competence to respond positively to its business objectives and goals. The most important tool used in several cases to guide the assessment activity and inform decision-making initiatives is SWOT analysis. In this case, the use of SWOT analysis will ensure a perfect exploration and understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as far as their impact on the organizational commitment to a favourable business environment is concerned. The strength and opportunity factors of the analytical tool will, for that matter, focus on understanding the internal factors of the company. Both opportunity and threats, on the other hand, work to ensure the exploration of the external factors of a company.


One of the strengths of the company that has worked incredibly to power the existence and operation of the managerial functions of the business initiative is its brand. The company lists the top five hundred companies in the United States as far as their respective revenues are concerned[ CITATION Kom20 \l 1033 ]. With such a commitment, the company managed to come up with a brand that is currently recognized by almost all the population in the country. The company also has a logo that is easy to memorize, thus stimulating the marketability of the company in the market of its operation. A proper focus on this brand and commitment to improving the value of the organizational brand to the target customers can work magic to help it enjoy a competitive advantage in the industry.

Alongside a strong brand, it is also evident that the company has the best design in the country. Particularly, the design of the company has assisted greatly in guiding its management commitments to achieving its goals and business objectives effectively and efficiently[ CITATION JOD23 \l 1033 ]. The design of the company is based on the nature of its adopted leadership culture. The company’s leadership culture pays attention to the interests of its stakeholders, something that has encouraged stakeholder support of its existence in the market and industry. In essence, the management design of the company is articulated horizontally to allow contributions of all its stakeholders, including considering the needs and values of the stakeholders during the establishment and implementation of its key business decisions.

The adoption of technology is another important strength that the company can use to respond positively to its weaknesses and promote improved commitment to competitive advantage. The company embraces technology in managing almost all its key functions. In this manner, the company can realize minimal input in the establishment and implementation of its key decisions while reaping maximumly in such managerial activities[ CITATION Kum20 \l 1033 ]. Also, with technology, the company has been able to remain ahead in directing its strategic options to perfectly achieve its goals and corresponding business objectives. With this, the company has managed to achieve a positive reputation in its market and industry of operation, a factor that is responsible for the increased number of listed companies in the magazine.


 One of the weaknesses of the company is based on its geographical regions of operation. The company only lists and ranks American-based companies[ CITATION Kıl21 \l 1033 ]. This comes when the current business environments are encouraging policies for taking businesses global. In essence, the ability of the company to maintain a positive response to its growth and development initiative calls for an absolute commitment to the adoption of the global market. Most competitors of its listed companies come from other countries. This means that the ranked performance of its 500 companies would rarely help global companies in making strategic decisions. In no time, most businesses listed in this magazine will realize such a gap and seek other alternatives.

Another weakness of the company is the adopted framework for guiding its growth and development strategies. Although the company empowers the target customers by helping them understand how they perform in the local market, its commitment is limited to such function and does not empower a leadership culture of perfect fueling of change initiatives[ CITATION Wan204 \l 1033 ]. The magazine allows the listed companies to understand the market performance of other competitors but fails to empower the companies to contribute to the growth of the Fortune 500 Company. Therefore, there is a need for positive attention to this weakness to empower the management system of the company to work towards transformation and achievement of huge goals and business objectives that would create the right environment for empowering competitive advantage.


 Although the company has certain weaknesses that may limit its attention to building an environment for enjoying competitive advantages, there are still certain opportunities that a Fortune 500 Company can use to shape its ability to ascertain competitive

advantage[ CITATION Kom20 \l 1033 ]. One of the opportunities that the company can utilize to restore and develop its management strategies is the existence of technology. Technology, as a scientific concept, survives well through innovations. The company can ensure complete and adorable use of technology to handle its management practices and realize quality outcomes.

Another opportunity that the company can utilize to perfectly respond to its business goals and objectives is the increasingly global market for services such as the one offered by a Fortune 500 Company[ CITATION Kum20 \l 1033 ]. The expansion of the global market leading to the use of the global market by most businesses Is a significant step that would positively empower the organizational commitments to its business goals. The company should be dedicated to the use of the huge market to expand its services to the international market rather than only focusing on the use of American-based companies to be listed based on their financial output.

Fortune 500 Company also works with other huge companies in the United States. Most of these companies are composed of perfectly structured systems that work to guide their success strategies. The Fortune 500 Company can use the business strategies adopted by the leading company and use such an understanding to guide its management practices and decisions[ CITATION Zha204 \l 1033 ]. Perfect use of these opportunities creates the right environment for responding positively to factors that may have stimulated the challenges that have been previously witnessed in the company and promote the desired attention to enjoying the competitive advantage.


 Despite the good positioning of the company to respond positively to its business affairs, it still has certain gaps that it must bridge to perfect practices for enjoying competitive advantages in the market. One of the threats that the company must be afraid of is the increased incidences of cyber insecurity. The company deals with large businesses with information or data that are key to the success of the listed companies. Lack of attention to cyber security may expose the private or confidential information of the listed companies to hackers online. The existing changes in regulatory policies in the company have encouraged new entries into the market[ CITATION Kom20 \l 1033 ]. This has led to the saturation of the market with potential companies that can perfectly offer the services handled by a Fortune 500 Company. In this manner, matters related to stiff competition have been realized in the industry operated by the company, thus threatening not only the existence of the company but also the ability of the business to perfectly realize the improved commitment to enjoying a competitive advantage in the market. Finally, the changing trends in consumer needs and values are also another factor that may hinder or threaten the success of the company in the market. The company may find it difficult to promote the best approach to marketing due to the dynamic nature of the customer’s needs and values. Therefore, there is a significant need for the company to promote the right strategic options that can help it turn its weaknesses into the required strengths for handling the identified threats in both the market operated by the Fortune 500 as well as its industry.

Assessment of Fortune 500 Corporate-Level Strategies

The company has influenced several strategies for creating the right environment required to shape its management practices and enable it to enjoy a competitive advantage.

The first strategy employed by the Fortune 500 Corporation is advanced planning[ CITATION JOD23 \l 1033 ]. The company never proceeded with any change initiative without the involvement of a perfectly established plan. A perfect establishment and implementation of the plan have always helped the company assess its capability to proceed with a project and come up with the right framework for guiding operations as well as the involved management decisions. In this manner, the company has also encouraged its listed companies to embrace effective and reliable planning to create the right environment for achieving the best in handling their relevant projects. Effective planning, in this case, refers to prior proper planning aimed at preventing poor performance in the management of organizational projects.

The company also empowers strategic planning as an ideal strategy for achieving the best outcomes in responding to organizational projects[ CITATION Kum20 \l 1033 ]. To achieve this, the company ensures that it plans for every activity that would be associated with the implementation of business-specific projects. Alongside this, the used approach to the planning activity must be embroiled towards creating exciting attention to applicable and reliable solutions to problems. For that matter, the company always ensures that the adopted plan can strategically function to empower excitement for promoting success in the implementation of a target project. Therefore, another strategy used by Fortune 500 Companies to enhance success in the implementation of their projects and realize successful responses to their goals and business objectives is building excitement.

The company always ensures that it eliminates any potential factor or managerial approach that may fail to connect effectively with the target market segment[ CITATION Wan204 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, understanding the needs and values of stakeholders is always key to a successful approach to organizational goals and corresponding business objectives. The company has embraced a management culture that welcomes the contributions of all stakeholders in the establishment and implementation of business-related decisions. This has been performed incredibly to eliminate incidences of change resistance during the implementation of potential change. Similarly, with the built excitement stimulated through positive change management approaches, the company has realized impressive responses to new views that have worked to change the organizational approaches to successful outcomes. Relevantly, the company aims to serve its customers as the best strategy for realizing its business goals and objectives successfully and efficiently.

Other than just offering the desired services, the company goes further to provide any necessary guidance to customers to ensure positive changes in the interests of the customers and help them achieve their economic, business, and social goals. As far as this strategic option is concerned, the company also works to boost the experience of customers with the organizational services, a factor that has worked to improve the loyalty of the company’s customers, thus making it possible for the company to enjoy continued business in the market and industry of operation[ CITATION Zha204 \l 1033 ]. Finally, the company has always stuck to its brand. The company has been known for its services of listing and ranking top 500 companies in the United States for many years now. This has made it possible for all the target stakeholders of generations after generations to acknowledge and understand the company for what it is and the nature of the service it provides. Also, by sticking to its brand, the company has grown its experience in the specific level of business, making it possible to focus on quality as the best way to promote loyalty of customers to its services in the market and industry of business operation.

Analysis of the Organizational Ability to Increase Competitive Advantage

The Fortune 500 Company can increase its competitive advantage in its market of operation[ CITATION Kom20 \l 1033 ]. Such an assumption is based on the nature of the gathered information about the company in the analysis and assessment section of this paper. Other than having a stable and promising leadership culture, the company has also laid prominent strategies that can create a favourable environment for increasing the chances of the company to improve its competitive advantage in its market of operation. The right approach to enjoying competitive advantage not only focuses on empowering its internal management approaches but also works to ensure a perfect response to its external factors, which form the basis of promoting the best management decisions for ascertaining successful outcomes.

The leadership culture of the company is articulated horizontally[ CITATION Leg20 \l 1033 ]. This enables the company to ensure the involvement of all employees among other relevant stakeholders in the establishment and implementation of management decisions. In this manner, the company can easily understand what the market wants and find it easy to align the contributions of all its employees towards achieving the best performance that responds positively to the needs and values of customers in the market. With this, the company has the potential to improve its attention to competitive advantage in its market of operation. The leadership culture also performs incredibly to empower employees to perform their best rather than guiding their commitments to align with what the company requires of them. Such managerial attention guided by the adopted leadership culture can work effectively to empower increased attention to competitive advantage and successful response to the organizational goals as well as its business objectives.

Significantly, the company has employed strategic options that implement its activities guided effectively by proper strategic planning. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the activities associated with the implemented decisions for handling projects[ CITATION Wan204 \l 1033 ]. As a result, the company finds it easy to promote quality in responding to the market needs and values. Therefore, it is relevant to conclude that the company can increase its competitive advantage with its strategic activities. Also, as far as the existing strategies for managing organizational projects are concerned, it is acknowledged in the achieved analysis of the company that its business practices aim at exiting customers to go for its services. This is made possible by ensuring that the company provides customers with what they want. Such attention to customer satisfaction is also good evidence that the company has the likelihood of increasing its competitive advantage in the market.

Similarly, the company’s strategic options also pay complete attention to building its brands to serve customers effectively and efficiently in the long run[ CITATION Kom20 \l 1033 ]. The level of such commitments indicates that the company is dedicated to promoting customer loyalty, something that works effectively to create the right environment for empowering and motivating competitive advantage for the company in its target market segment. Therefore, the company should work on building upon its existing strategies guided by the adopted leadership culture to increase its competitive advantage and boost its response to its business goals and objectives.


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Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

Select a Fortune 500 company and develop a SWOT analysis for the company. Remember that a SWOT analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. This is an important analysis for any organization as it can be used for strategic planning.

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