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An ERD for a Patient Admission System

An ERD for a Patient Admission System

An ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) shows the relationships between entities in a database. Entities are data components found within a database. An Entity Relationship Diagram illustrates a logical database structure and resembles a flowchart, with the only difference being the specialized symbols making up its structure. Rectangles represent entities, the diamond shapes represent relationships between the entities, while ovals represent attributes that are the characteristics or distinguishing features of the entities. The entities are connected through solid lines which show the relationships. Cardinality shows the number of instances one entity relates to another and specifies the maximum number of relationships. Figure 1 below illustrates an entity relationship diagram for a patient’s admission system.

Figure 1

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

ERD for the Patient Admission System


Chen, P. (2006). The entity-relationship model – Toward a unified view of data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1(1).


We’ll write everything from scratch


An ERD for a Patient Admission System

Based on the readings and your research, draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for a patient admission system given the following:

An ERD for a Patient Admission System

An ERD for a Patient Admission System

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