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Amateurism In Intercollegiate Athletics

Amateurism In Intercollegiate Athletics

Research Topic

My topic for the research paper is amateurism in intercollegiate athletics.

Thesis Statement

Although amateurism has been defended by various bodies involved in college sports, such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association, it should be abolished because it promotes the exploitation of college athletes and gives them limited control over how they can use their athletic skills and expertise.

Why I Want to Write on this Topic

I want to write on amateurism in intercollegiate athletics because implementing amateurism in intercollegiate sports has created a heated debate between those supporting it and those against it. Therefore, it is important to create awareness of the impact of amateurism on intercollegiate athletes to provide a strong argument on why it should be abolished.

Approach to Defend Thesis Statement

I will defend my thesis statement by discussing the positive and negative impacts of amateurism on intercollegiate athletes and providing a justification for why the negative impacts outweigh the positive ones. The following scholarly sources will be used to gather information to support my arguments.

Scholarly Resources I Intend to Use

Canada, T., Pericak, K., & Seward, M. D. (2022). Amateurism as a narrative of Control. Sports Innovation Journal, 3(SI), 55–68.

This article discusses how the National Collegiate Athletic Association uses amateurism to control college athletes. The authors argue that amateurism in intercollegiate athletics is an economic disguise to control college athletes and athletics. The authors also provide recommendations on how the issue of the use of amateurism in college and university sports can be resolved to limit the control over college athletes. Therefore, this article will be used to gather information that will be used to support arguments against amateurism.

Henry, J. (2020). Amateurism: The Issue of Paying College Level Athletes. Journal of the Student Personnel Association.

This article discusses the impact of intercollegiate amateurism on college athletics. The author provides a detailed analysis of the negative and positive effects of eliminating amateurism in college athletics. Henry (2020) states that amateurism should be regulated to ensure that students benefit from playing for their institutions. The authors suggest offering student-athletes finances for the services they provide to the learning institutions through their skills. The author also suggests revising the amateurism policy and giving student-athletes the chance to gain profits from the abilities they provide to the community and their programs.

Hextrum, K. (2018). Amateurism revisited: How U.S. college athletic recruitment favors middle-class athletes. Sport, Education and Society, 25(1), 111–123.

The article discusses the relationship between amateurism and class reproduction by facilitating the direct exchange of accumulated physical, social, and economic capital to generate cultural capital. The author argues that the amateurism policy in the United States promotes the exploitation of college athletes and only safeguards the participation of elites in sports. Therefore, the article will be used to gather information to support the arguments against amateurism in intercollegiate athletics.

Kealey, J. (2020). Preserving Fabled Amateurism: The Benefits of the NCAA’s Adoption of the Olympic Amateurism Model Adoption of the Olympic Amateurism Model. Journal of Law and Policy, 29(1).

The article discusses the weaknesses of the amateurism policy. Kealey (2020) argues that amateurism should be encouraged because paying college and university athletes directly a predetermined amount of money violates the Olympic athlete compensation model. However, the author suggests the use of the Olympic amateurism model because it would allow student-athletes to support their scholarship benefits with championship bonuses and endorsements without compromising the financial success of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The author adds that the Olympic amateurism model is also appropriate because it enables student-athletes to continue benefiting from college education while reducing the risk of substituting their academic potential for underpaying private developmental leagues. Therefore, the article will be used to gather information that will be used to support arguments on how amateurism benefits players.

Senne, J. (2016). A Review of the NCAA’s Business Model, Amateurism, and Paying the Players. The Sport Journal.

This article reviews the reason for the use of amateurism in college sports. Senne (2016) argues that the main issue in the implementation of amateurism in the United States is the belief that college athletes purely compete at an amateur level and will lose revenue and prestige as they lose contests. The author suggests using amateurism professionally to establish limits on how much financial aid college athletes should receive. The article will be used to gather information that will be used to support arguments on the negative and positive effects impact of amateurism on college athletes.


Canada, T., Pericak, K., & Seward, M. D. (2022). Amateurism as a narrative of Control. Sports Innovation Journal, 3(SI), 55–68.

Henry, J. (2020). Amateurism: The Issue of Paying College Level Athletes. Journal of the Student Personnel Association.

Hextrum, K. (2018). Amateurism revisited: How U.S. college athletic recruitment favors middle-class athletes. Sport, Education and Society, 25(1), 111–123.

Kealey, J. (2020). Preserving Fabled Amateurism: The Benefits of the NCAA’s Adoption of the Olympic Amateurism Model Adoption of the Olympic Amateurism Model. Journal of Law and Policy, 29(1).

Senne, J. (2016). A Review of the NCAA’s Business Model, Amateurism, and Paying the Players. The Sport Journal.


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Please submit your research paper topic and answers to the questions below. Your research paper may be on any aspect of sports law. Students are encouraged to do some research to find a topic of interest. For additional information on the Research Paper Assignment, please see the directions for the Week 6 Research Paper assignment.

Amateurism In Intercollegiate Athletics

Amateurism In Intercollegiate Athletics

For this week’s assignment, students must address the following four questions:

What is your topic?
What is your thesis statement?
Why do you want to write on this topic?
How you are going to defend your thesis statement? Specifically, provide four (5) scholarly resources you intend to use. Make sure that you have put them in proper APA format. You will need a total of ten (10) resources for the Week 6 assignment.
Please make sure I have approved your topic BEFORE you start writing. Some examples of possible topics include but are not limited to

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