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Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

Patient’s Name: Abby             Date: September 17, 2022

Patient’s Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s disease


(Include date.)

Goals Interventions/Actions Discipline/Person Responsible Outcome/Comments

(Initial and date.)


Communication: Family and Patient




After six hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

The family can agree on the best treatment modality for the patient.

This entails aspects such as the best nutritional approaches and treatment modalities for the patient.


1. Embrace therapeutic communication techniques. Therapeutic communication enables the nurse to create a rapport with patients and their families. Therapeutic communication incorporates techniques such as active listening, paraphrasing, summarizing, empathy, proper turn-taking, clarifying, confronting, and reflecting (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021).

Therapeutic communication enables patients to recognize that their opinions are respected. By so doing, patients and their families work in concert with healthcare providers to develop the care plan. Furthermore, therapeutic communication eliminates any emotional baggage that could impede the interaction between patients and their families or patients with healthcare providers. This intervention is relevant in this scenario because the patient’s family often argue about her care. This is evidenced by the division in the total parenteral nutrition and oxygen therapy selection.

Nurse After six hours of interacting with the patient and her family members:

The family members were able to agree on the best treatment modality for the patient. This encompasses aspects such as total parenteral nutrition and oxygen therapy.


Treatment Options





After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

The family can agree on the most suitable pharmacological management of the patient.

The family can decide on the best non-pharmacological approach to manage the patient.

In this context, Mary upholds the practices of native Americans. According to her, her mother would like to embrace these practices during her death.

Various complementary and alternative treatment modalities are present:

1. Caprylic acid and coconut oil:  It is postulated that Caprylic acid is metabolized to ketone bodies. The ketone bodies nourish brain cells unable to use glucose due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Findings indicate that Caprylic acid benefits patients with mild to moderate AD (Alzheimer’s, n.d.).

2. Ginkgo biloba: contains several chemicals that may have advantageous effects on the body and brain cells. It is thought to protect cell membranes, control neurotransmitter activity, and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities (Alzheimer’s, n.d.). It’s used to minimize the severity of the manifestations of neurodegenerative disorders.

3. Coenzyme Q10: It is considered a treatment modality. However, clinical trials have not demonstrated its effectiveness (Alzheimer’s, n.d.).

4. Coral calcium:  Clinical studies have not demonstrated the effectiveness of this agent. However, it is marketed for the management of AD. It should be noted that the FDA launched complaints against the widespread advertisement and use of coral calcium (Alzheimer’s, n.d.).

5. Huperzine A: Its characteristics are comparable to those of cholinesterase inhibitors, a class of drugs used to manage AD (Alzheimer’s, n.d.). It is therefore marketed for the management of Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Others: Phosphatidylserine, tramiprosate, and Omega-3 fatty acids(Alzheimer’s, n.d.).



Nurse and nutritionist.

After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

The family was able to agree on the most suitable treatment modality for the patient.


Education: family and patient





After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

They will demonstrate an adequate understanding of the disease (Alzheimer’s disease), including its etiology, management approaches, and prognosis.

Educate the patient on the etiology of the disease.

Educate the patient on the signs and symptoms of the disease

Educate the patient on the pharmacological approaches used in managing the disease.

Educate the patient on the non-pharmacological approaches used to manage the disease.

Nurse After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

The family was able to understand and appreciate relevant aspects concerning the disease.


Family roles in the process





After three hours of interacting with the patient’s family members:

They will identify the unique roles they play in the management of the patient’s condition.

Educate the patient on the importance of:

1. Shared responsibility: each family member should play a unique role in the patient’s care. These roles range from respite care to financial management (Xristina et al., 2020).

2. Meeting regularly: this will enable them to address new or recurrent concerns.

3. Open and honest communication

Nurse After three hours of interacting with the patient’s family members;

They understood the unique roles they play in the management of the patient.

Spiritual beliefs After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:


They will appreciate that their spiritual beliefs have been acknowledged and respected.

Educate the patient and her family on various spiritual beliefs such as:

The existence of an omnipotent creator, afterlife, and immortality of the soul, the importance of offering valuable items (such as tobacco) to appease spiritual entities (, n.d.).

Spiritual leader After four hours of interacting with the patient and her family:


They appreciated that their spiritual beliefs had been acknowledged and respected.

Barriers After two hours of interacting with the patient and her family:


The nurse will identify potential barriers to access to healthcare services by patients.

Offer culturally congruent services to avert cultural barriers.


Avail language translators to eliminate the issue of the language barrier.

Nurse After two hours of interacting with the patient and her family, the nurse identified barriers and formulated strategies for addressing these barriers.
Cultural Responses and Additional Components After three hours of interacting with the patient and her family:

The nurse will understand cultural considerations for the patient.

1. Education and outreach about Dementia.

2. Discussion about the traditional practices among American Indians.

Many American Indians have distinct perspectives on Dementia from other racial and ethnic groupings (, n.d.). They might perceive it as a normal aspect of ageing rather than an illness.  People with Dementia and their families might not seek medical attention as a result (, n.d.). To get these individuals the care they need to live more easily and cheerfully, education and outreach about Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are essential.

Nurse to facilitate the discussion. After three hours of interacting with the patient and her family, the nurse understood cultural considerations for the patient.

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Alzheimer’s (n.d.). Alternative Treatments. (n.d.). Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Tribal Nursing Homes: Best Practices for Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centred care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–10.

Xristina, F., Demeter, K., John, G., Maria, C. (2020). The Role of the Family in the Care of Alzheimer Patients. In: Vlamos, P. (eds) GeNeDis 2018. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1196. Springer, Cham.


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Assessment Description

Allied health professionals are confronted with different death and dying practices. An effective allied health professional recognizes the importance of understanding different cultural practices, and learns how to evaluate the death, dying, and spiritual beliefs and practices across the cultures.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Read the two specified case histories and choose one for this assignment.

Chapter 4, “Stories of Abby: An Ojibwa Journey” and Chapter 14, “Stories of Shanti: Culture and Karma,” by Gelfland, Raspa, and Sherylyn, from End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries (2005), from the GCU Library.

Identify your role as a health care professional in supporting Abby’s or Shanti’s dying rituals, and in creating strategies for displaying respect while still providing quality care. Identify communication strategies necessary in caring for your select person. Integrate your strategies as you develop a care plan describing how you would approach the situation and care for the patient. Review the “Care Plan” template prior to beginning.

Include the following in your care plan:

  1. Communication: family and patient
  2. Treatment options that align with the specific culture
  3. Education: family and patient
  4. Family roles in the process
  5. Spiritual beliefs
  6. Barriers
  7. Cultural responses
  8. Any additional components that you feel would need to be addressed (from your perspective as a health care professional)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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