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Airport Security – Is America Safer?

Airport Security – Is America Safer?

America is safer today compared to the past 15 years because the federal government has instituted security measures that have minimized the probability of terror attacks happening. Today, there are more federal employees deployed in the National Security Agency that oversee airports, monitor cargo entering the country, and marshal airplanes in transit to and from the United States. The Department of Justice has also participated in reinforcing the country’s security by consolidating counter-espionage and counter-terrorist cases, making America safer than it was pre-September 11, 2001. Further, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has expanded its current budget to include investigation of crimes that, if left unresolved, would create a platform for terrorists to enter the United States and harm innocent civilians. The FBI has also acquired new, sophisticated technology and employed intelligence analysts, whose roles include preventing the susceptibilities of terror attacks happening in the country.

Moreover, today, the Federal Aviation Administration has expanded its watch list of people suspected of being terrorists from the previous 12 it had before the September 11, 2001 attack. These names of persons who should not be given access to American soil through airports have been distributed to airlines as a way to prevent the possibility of terror attacks on citizens. The expanded watch lists have also been distributed to all security agencies in the United States and are stored in a synchronized database that is often used to identify threats to the country’s stability. Further, the Transport Security Administration has employed 46,000 persons whose duty is to oversee airport security (Brill, 2018). Lastly, the federal government has employed persons who are trained to use radiation detectors to screen cargo using X-rays so as to prevent terrorist attacks from being executed in the country. Overall, considering the above measures, America is safer today than it was 15 years ago.


Brill, S. (2018, January 18). 15 years after 9/11, is America any safer? The Atlantic.


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Airport Security - Is America Safer

Airport Security – Is America Safer

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