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Airplane Leasing Analysis

Airplane Leasing Analysis

The Boeing 747-8 is a Dreamliner plane with a 4 X General Electric GEnx 2B67 engine that has a powerful force of 66,500 pounds and can travel at a top speed of 564 Knots (“Boeing: Commercial,” 2020). The plane costs $ 351,400,000 with a maximum weight load of 75,000 Kgs and can carry up to 420 passengers (“Boeing 747-8 – Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History – Aircraft Compare”, 2020). In addition, the operation cost of flying the plane translates to $ 19,253.37 per hour, and the average insurance cost per trip is $ 1060 (Company, 2020). From the financials, in order to calculate the before-tax rental price of the lease, the analysis assumed a tax rate of 35% which is the income tax rate in the country before the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Job Act in 2017. Consequently, the analysis used a 7% discount rate which is the average discount rate accepted by investors.

Calculation of After-Tax Leasing Payment

 The plane was depreciated using the MACRS 20-year depreciation schedule, and the total present value of the depreciation tax shield stood at $ 66,252,011.90. Consequently, the present value of after-tax cost was calculated to be $ 72,947,164.00.

The MACRS Depreciation Schedule, the depreciation tax shield calculation, and the after-tax cost are calculated as shown by the schedule below.


Initial Cost

Year 0


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Maintenance cost/hour 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37
Total hours worked per year 500 500 500 500
Total Maintenace cost 9626685 9626685 9626685 9626685
Average Insurance cost per trip 1060 1060 1060 1060
Number of trips 50 50 50 50
Total Insurance cost 53000 53000 53000 53000
Total cost 9679685 9679685 9679685 9679685
After-Tax Cost 6291795.25 6291795 6291795 6291795
Present value of After-tax










Depreciation 0 13177500 25371080 23473520


Depreciation tax shield 0 4612125 8879878 8215732
Present value of Depreciation tax shield 4310397 7756029 6706485



Initial Cost

Year 4 Years 5 Year 6 Year 7
Maintenance cost/hour 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37
Total hours worked per year 500 500 500 500
Total Maintenace cost 9626685 9626685 9626685 9626685
Average Insurance cost per trip 1060 1060 1060 1060
Number of trips 50 50 50 50
Total Insurance cost 53000 53000 53000 53000
Total cost 9679685 9679685 9679685 9679685
After-Tax Cost 6291795.25 6291795 6291795 6291795
Present value of After-tax cost 4799980.471 4485963 4192489 3918214
Depreciation 21716520 20064940 18589060 17183460
Depreciation tax shield 7600782 7022729 6506171 6014211
Present value of Depreciation tax shield 5798600.196 5007109 4335336 3745348

Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11

Initial Cost
Maintenance cost/hour 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37 19,253.37
Total hours worked per year 500 500 500 500
Total Maintenace cost 9626685 9626685 9626685 9626685
Average Insurance cost per trip 1060 1060 1060 1060
Number of trips 50 50 50 50
Total Insurance cost 53000 53000 53000 53000
Total cost 9679685 9679685 9679685 9679685
After-Tax Cost 6291795 6291795 6291795 6291795
Present value of After-tax cost 3661882 3422320 3198430 2989187
Depreciation 15883280 15672440 15672440 15672440
Depreciation tax shield

Present value of Depreciation tax














Year 12        Year 13         Year 14        Year 15

Initial Cost  








Maintenance cost/hour 7 7 7 7
Total hours worked per year 500 500 500 500
Total Maintenace cost 9626685 9626685 9626685 9626685
Average Insurance cost per trip 1060 1060 1060 1060
Number of trips 50 50 50 50
Total Insurance cost 53000 53000 53000 53000
Total cost 9679685 9679685 9679685 9679685
After-Tax Cost 6291795 6291795 6291795 6291795
Present value of After-tax cost 2793632 2610871 2440067 2280436
1567244 1567244 1567244 1567244
Depreciation 0 0 0 0
Depreciation tax shield 5485354 5485354 5485354 5485354
Present value of Depreciation tax












Initial Cost

Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19
19,253.3 19,253.3 19,253.3
Maintenance cost/hour 19,253.37 7 7 7
Total hours worked per year 500 500 500 500
9,626,68 9,626,68 9,626,68
Total Maintenace cost 9,626,685 5 5 5
Average Insurance cost per trip 1,060 1,060 1,060 1,060
Number of trips 50 50 50 50
Total Insurance cost 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000
Total cost 9,679,685 9679685 9679685 9679685
After-Tax Cost 6,291,795 6291795 6291795 6291795
Present value of After-tax cost 2,131,249 1991821 1861515 1739734
15,672,44 1567244 1567244 1567244
Depreciation 0 0 0 0
Depreciation tax shield 5,485,354 4 5485354 5485354
Present value of Depreciation tax shield 1,858,079 3 1622918 1516746

Year 20

Initial Cost
Maintenance cost/hour 19,253.37
Total hours worked per year 500
Total Maintenace cost 9,626,685
Average Insurance cost per trip 1,060


Number of trips                                                     50

Total Insurance cost                                                     53,000

Total cost                                                                    9,679,685

After Tax Cost                                                           6,291,795

Present value of After-tax cost                           1,625,919

Depreciation                                                           15,672,440

Depreciation tax shield                                        5,485,354

Present value of Depreciation tax

shield                                                                           1,417,520

The present value of the depreciation tax shield is calculated as follows;

= summation of the present value of depreciation tax shield from year 1 to 20

= 4310397 + 7756029 + 6706485 + 5798600.196 + 5007109 + 4335336 + 3745348 + 3235475 +

2983669 +2788476 + 2606052 +2435563 + 2276227 + 2127315 + 1988145 +1,858,079

+1,736,523 +1622918 + 1516746 + 1,417,520

= 66,252,011.90

Calculation of the present value after-tax cost:

= summation of present value after-tax cost from year 1 to 20

= 6291795.25 + 5880182 + 5495498 + 5135979 + 4799980.471 + 4485963 + 4192489 +

3918214 + 3661882 + 3422320 + 3198430 + 2989187 + 2793632 +2610871 + 2440067 +

2280436 + 2,131,249 + 1991821 + 1861515 +1739734 + 1,625,919

= 72,947,164

Using 10% of the cost as salvage value, the present value of after-tax cash flow is calculated as follows

Salvage value After-tax cash flow (tax rate @ 35%)





The present value at a 7% discounting

rate                                                                      5,902,548

Hence, the present value of total cost is calculated by summing up the present value of after-tax cost, the present value of the depreciation tax shield, and the present value tax shield as follows.

Total Present Value of Cost Initial cost

Present Value of After-Tax Cost

Present value of Depreciation tax shield



– 72,947,164.0




Present Value of salvage value   5,902,548.44

Total Present Value of Cost       350,607,397

From the financial calculator, the break-even rent payment is calculated using PMT( PV=

-350,607,397, R=7%, N=20,Beginning of the year payment) which gives $ 28,117,572 as shown below.

Break-Even Rent

$28,117,572.0                                                                                                                                                                                          0

Consequently, using the break-even rent to calculate the lease to be charged for the plane, all tax inclusive, as shown by the calculation below.

Rent for tax inclusive

 Rent after tax



Tax rate                        35%

Rent before tax

$43,257,803.0 8


Boeing 747-8 – Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History – Aircraft Compare. Aircraft Compare. (2020). Retrieved 6 November 2020, from


Boeing: Commercial. (2020). Retrieved 6 November 2020, from

The company, S. (2020). Ownership and Operating Costs | BOEING 747-400. Retrieved 6 November 2020, from



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Airplane Leasing Analysis

Airplane Leasing Analysis

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Case: Airplane Leasing Analysis—determine the after-tax and before-tax leasing payment

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