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Advanced Care Planning

Advanced Care Planning

Families must discuss the individual’s personal, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs during advance care planning. Families need to talk about the right person who will help the individual make healthcare decisions if the person cannot. They also need to be at par regarding the kind of medical treatment that one might choose to have or not have when they get critically ill. Such therapies might involve life support treatments as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and family members need to respect the wishes of the person even if they might be against it (National Institute on Aging, 2022). A discussion should also be discussed on what one needs to be comfortable with, how one wants to be treated, and what one desires for one’s loved ones (Aging with Dignity, 2021). Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

This tool can be essential in providing the appropriate and respectful care that a client desires. It helps improve the quality of end-of-life care, enabling the patient and their family to receive satisfaction from their treatment. Also, it helps lessen the probability of legal problems that might arise for the physician taking care of the patient (Bernard et al., 2020). Generally, the tool helps improve quality outcomes for the client, their family, and the healthcare workers involved.

There are cases where families disagree regarding the kind of care their loved one should receive, even in the presence of a specific advanced care plan. This is likely to cause delays and problems in providing care for the patient. Furthermore, families are likely to cause problems when they feel that the patient’s values do not align with the doctor’s; conflicts may also arise among the family members if they have differing views on the patient’s ACP (Bernard et al., 2020). These can cause significant barriers in relations between the physician, patient, and family.


Aging with Dignity. (2021). Five Wishes. Retrieved from

Bernard, C., Tan, A., Slaven, M., Elston, D., Heyland, D. K., & Howard, M. (2020). Exploring patient-reported barriers to advance care planning in family practice. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 1-9.

National Institute on Aging. (2022). Advance Care Planning: Health Care Directives. US Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from


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Advanced Care Planning

Advanced Care Planning

All people need to consider advanced care planning, but even more critical for older adults and their families. Please review the Five Wishes sample form and resource “Talking About Your Wishes”:

Please consider the following:

1)What are the most important things for families to discuss regarding advanced care planning?
2)How could this tool be helpful in your current or future practice with clients/families?
3)What challenges might be in working with families relating to advanced care planning?

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