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Addressing the Rising Suicide Rate in the United States- Strategies and Initiatives

Addressing the Rising Suicide Rate in the United States- Strategies and Initiatives

In order to address the essential subject of suicide prevention, real-life circumstances that require immediate and effective answers must be considered. Gina, a mother of three with a history of melancholy and anxiety, is having issues in the aftermath of an abusive relationship in the case presented. As a case manager at a community center, navigating Gina’s abrupt change in manner, withdrawal, and clear utterances about worthlessness and thoughts of death necessitates a considered and timely mental health crisis response. This discussion will go into the scenario’s warning indicators and additional risk factors, followed by an analysis of ways to secure Gina’s safety and well-being.

Warning Signs Of Suicide In The Scenario

Gina’s rapid change in behavior, withdrawal, drowsiness, and expressing emotions of worthlessness and contemplation of death are all warning indications of suicide in the scenario. 46% of suicide victims had a known mental health issue (NAMI, 2022) . Her refusal to discuss her discomfort, as well as her plain comment, “I may as well be dead anyway,” emphasize the seriousness of the issue. Gina’s abrupt departure from the workplace, as well as subsequent reports of her crying uncontrollably in a potentially dangerous location, the parking garage, add to the gravity of the problem.

Circumstances  That Puts The Person At Increased Risk For Suicide

Gina’s history of depression, anxiety, and a previous abusive relationship, along with her present difficulties in retaining a job due to childcare challenges, puts her at a higher risk of suicide. Suicide is similar to drowning in that the person does not seem as we expect them to. (Owens et al., 2019). The mix of social and economic stressors, as well as her emotional fragility, complicates her condition and raises the danger. The sudden shift from expressing sadness to contemplating suicide in a specific area emphasizes the importance of addressing her urgent safety concerns.

Mental Health Crisis Response

To begin, I would approach Gina with calm and empathy, noting her distress and expressing concern for her well-being. Second, I would attentively listen to her without passing judgment, encouraging her to express her emotions and views. Third, I would assess the immediate danger by asking direct suicide-related questions, such as whether she has a plan or desire to kill herself. Finally, given the gravity of the situation, I would call 911 and assure Gina’s safety by remaining with her until expert aid arrives while remaining a supportive and non-confrontational presence.


NAMI. (2022, August). Risk of Suicide | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Owens, C., Derges, J., & Abraham, C. (2019). Intervening to prevent suicide in a public place: a qualitative study of effective interventions by lay people. BMJ Open, 9(11), e032319.


We’ll write everything from scratch


The U.S. suicide rate has been increasing since 1999, with a recent figure of more than 48,000 people dying by suicide each year (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, n.d.; Hedegaard et al., 2020). Educational, community mental health, and public health advocacy campaigns have been adopted to address the issue. In particular, the social media hashtag #bethedifference urges young people to “be the difference” in a peer’s life by attentively listening and acting on the warning signs of suicide.

Addressing the Rising Suicide Rate in the United States- Strategies and Initiatives

Addressing the Rising Suicide Rate in the United States- Strategies and Initiatives

So why does it continue to be a problem?

For this Discussion, you work through your response to a scenario involving suicidal ideation in Hart City and then report back in the Discussion.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (n.d.). Suicide statistics.
Hedegaard, H., Curtin, S. C., & Warner, M. (2020, April). Increase in suicide mortality in the United States, 1999–2018 (NCHS Data Brief No. 362).

Review your course announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.
Review the Learning Resources on suicide risk assessment and warning signs.
Click on the Hart City link in the Learning Resources. Once you are there, go to the Hart City Community Center and read the scenario.
Post your initial response to the following: What are the warning signs of suicide in the scenario? What else about the circumstances puts the person at increased risk for suicide? How would you provide immediate mental health crisis response?

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