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Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners

Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners

The education initiative that is more effective in addressing diverse student learners is the online website portals created by various colleges and universities. Though the intervention has not been set up in most of educational institutions, however, the leading universities have implemented this initiative to ensure that learners from diverse backgrounds can attain the desired knowledge. This is helpful to diverse students in terms of study material being available on the university or College website. This will allow the students to assess the study material if the topic is not understood by the student in the classroom session. This technological intervention has helped educators as well as learners to a great extent. (“Teaching Culturally Diverse Students”, n.d.)

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There are various challenges associated with the implementation of the intervention. Some of them are linked to learners, educators and educational leaders. The challenge of this initiative from an educator’s perspective is the lack of knowledge about the technology. Most of the educators working at universities or colleges are not aware of the new interventions. This insufficient knowledge creates problems for students from diverse backgrounds. Another challenge for the educator is content compatibility. The study material uploaded may not be compatible with all the students. This requires the due diligence of an educator to decide the content which is simple and easy to learn for all learners, especially those from diverse cultures. The challenge from an educational leader’s perspective is the acceptance of the intervention among all educators. Generally, educators are comfortable with their own style of teaching. Any kind of change or implementation creates a lot of hassles because they have to begin and everything from scratch. Uploading the study material on the website will need them to review their own content, typing of content on a desktop or laptop, correction of errors, etc. This requires many things to be done before the final uploading. (“Strategies for working with diverse learners: A Research Review”, n.d.)


“Strategies for working with diverse learners: A Research Review”. (n.d.). trategies%20for%20Working%20with%20Diverse%20Learners.pdf

“Teaching Culturally Diverse Students”. (n.d.). content/uploads/2013/01/CulturallyDiverseStudents.pdf


We’ll write everything from scratch



the authors talk about the challenge of inclusivity in nursing education.  They explain that educators believe we embrace cultural diversity and are committed to meeting the needs of all learners, but the research suggests otherwise.  Our teaching practices have not caught up with our beliefs.  For this week’s assignment, do some research on diverse populations in nursing education. In addition to presenting your research, be sure to address the following:

Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners

What are the unique challenges/barriers faced by diverse populations in nursing education?  There are many that you can address, but at a minimum, you must address racially and ethnically diverse groups and students with disabilities.

How can mostly white and female nurse educators serve as role models and mentors for diverse populations?

Sources: You can use any of the posted articles and your books as references. Find at least two additional peer-reviewed nursing journal articles that relate to your area of focus.

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