Active Directory
Explain the Types of Information that Can Be Stored in an Active Directory User Record
The Active Directory is one of the most important features in the Windows operating system, as it controls all the processes in a network. The feature allows the users of a computer to transfer different types of accounts in a computer. For example, it allows the transfer of the user, guest, or device account to a different directory location. Basically, Active Directory helps the user to interact with the accounts on a graphic user interface using different peripheral devices.
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What are some of the additional tabs that are available in the Active Directory Users and Computers “Advanced Features” mode?
The users of Active Directory have to understand all the general features and tabs that make the usability of Active Directory easy and effective (Pothumani & Hameed Hussain, 2017). Since the Windows 2003 era, there are different features that have been added to the Active Directory to make it efficient. The new advanced features in Active Directory are viewed after opening the properties in the AD window. The new features include items and attributes editor tabs. The features enable the user to view the most important containers in a specific network. The elements contain information such as password expiry. This data helps the user to comprehend when a key will expire. Additionally, the user views the last created password and the account logs.
What are some of the specific challenges and risks associated with account management in a large infrastructure?
The management of accounts in large network infrastructures is challenging. The challenges are caused by the fact that the account has to be accessible to all the users in the network, and at the same time, the security features must be effective. For example, the user has to ensure that they input robust access controls to reduce cases of attack from a large number of users.
Another major challenge in the management of the infrastructure is the complexity and dynamics of the security threats. The manager of the account has to be updated on the current security issues in the network and devise the best and most effective IAM strategies to cope with the challenges. Keeping track of the changes may be challenging as it demands consistency every time. Finally, in case of an update of the security measures in the large infrastructure, there may be a predominant breakdown of service provision.
How can inadequate access controls or access management leave critical information vulnerable?
Access controls are important in data security within any system or network. Some of the common access controls include authentication and verification. In cases where the controls are weak, malicious attackers may spoof the systems and access information. Additionally, inadequate access controls also increase the cases of information theft or destruction by unauthorized users.
What protections does encryption offer and how important is key management to keeping any encryption system secured?
Data encryption is an important aspect of managing deformation security, particularly within any network. The strategy refers to a process where readable information (plaintext) is transformed into an intelligible form (cipher text) as it is shared between the sender and the receiver (Lewko et al., 2010). Both parties must have the encryption and decryption key. Therefore, encryption protects the theft of information as it is being transferred from the sender to the receiver by enhancing privacy.
Consider a cloud-hosted Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environment with many users accessing these systems from all over the world. What advantages or challenges might there be managing these identities and associated keys?
In the management of data security under the IaaS environment, the use of one cryptographic key is possible since all the users are under the same network. Additionally, the key keeps changing with time. This factor increases the security of information as it is being transferred from one user to the other. However, it is important to understand that one misuse of the key by a single user may put into risk the entire infrastructure.
How the tools and processes demonstrated in the lab might be used by an infrastructure administrator to help secure an environment
An administrator may use the encryption and decryption tool to ensure that data is secure during transmission. Another important tool that may help to increase data security in a network is access control. The administrator may use the authentication strategy to ensure that only specific users access the system. For example, every system should have a unique and dynamic password to ensure system security.
Lewko, A., Okamoto, T., Sahai, A., Takashima, K., & Waters, B. (2010, May). Fully secure functional encryption: Attribute-based encryption and (hierarchical) inner product encryption. In Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (pp. 62-91). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Pothumani, S., & Hameed Hussain, J. (2017). A novel method to manage network requirements. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116(13), 9-15.
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Active Directory
Explain the types of information that can be stored in an Active Directory user record.

Active Directory
Address the following in your response:
- What are some of the additional tabs that are available in the Active Directory Users and Computers “Advanced Features” mode?
- What are some of the specific challenges and risks associated with accountmanagement in a large infrastructure?
- How can inadequate access controls or access management leave critical information vulnerable?
- What protections does encryption offer and how important is key management tokeeping any encryption system secured?
- Considera cloud-hosted Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environment with many users accessing these systems from all over the world. What advantages or challenges might there be managing these identities and associated keys?
Finally, conclude this week’s assignment with a page explaining how the tools and processes demonstrated in the lab might be used by an infrastructure administrator to help secure an environment.