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A Painful Case

A Painful Case

Relationships, Marriage, Romance, and Love – Joyce’s “A Painful Case”

  1. Duffy values his friendship and companionship with Emily Sinico. He gives her adequate attention and connects in ways that are lacking in her marriage.
  2. Duffy values the recognition he acquires from Mrs. Sinico. For instance, she offers the gratitude he needs, attentively listens to him, and encourages Mr. Duffy to express his innermost thoughts.
  3. Duffy confuses sex with intimacy when Mrs. Sinico becomes comfortable with him. For example, in one instance, she intimately responds where she presses his hand onto her cheek, which he deduces as a sexual advance. Nevertheless, the story leaves the audience feeling unclear about her true intentions. It is a possibility that she was simply comforting him.
  4. Duffy feels that Mrs. Sinico misinterpreted the nature of their relationship and stopped valuing her. He feels like his acts of companionship were misread for sexual advances, and this deeply bothers him. Eventually, he ends the relationship.
  5. He seems not to consider Mrs. Sinico’s emotional reactions; she seems unwilling to end the companionship. More so, Mr. Duffy seems not to understand that his friend is lonely, and his presence greatly comforts her. In this case, Mr. Duffy values friendship and intellectual connection with Mrs. Sinico, while she values emotional comfort and a sense of intimacy.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Topic for Group IV: Relationships, Marriage, Romance, and Love.

Here are prompts:

A Painful Case

A Painful Case

  1. A) Joyce’s “A Painful Case”. Discuss how and when Duffy values and does not value his relationship with Mrs Sinico. What is there to value in intimacy? How is intimacy related to sex?

relate this topic to the text. What does the article Joyce’s “A Painful Case. say about the topic. Also list and summarize 5 main points in response to this.






My professor wants a list of ideas on my topic that are derived from the passage in the required reading.

Joyce, A Painful Case

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