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A Multifaceted Approach- Exploring Music and Movement Elements in a -Grade-Level- Lesson

A Multifaceted Approach- Exploring Music and Movement Elements in a -Grade-Level- Lesson

Areas and Elements of Music or Movement

The lesson areas covered in the class include Haiku, art, and music. Numerous music elements have been incorporated, including timbre, pitch, and rhythm. In music, timbre refers to the sound quality of a specific instrument. The uniqueness of the sound quality of each instrument helps the students identify the instruments and align them with their best fits in content. A pitch is a specific sound in a range of sounds, which can be high or low depending on the vibration frequency of the sound waves. On the other hand, rhythm is the sound duration, whether long or short (Julia, 2020). Elements of movement such as colour, line, and space have been integrated. As the teacher guides the students through the Haiku lesson, one objective is to identify the colour, illustrated in the reflection part, where the students must first write the colour, brainstorm about it, and then choose their colour. The movement element of space and line is evident in the class setting, which enhances students’ movement.

Grade Level and Content

Miss Flo teaches Grade 3 students. The teacher structured the lesson plan on Haiku poems. She prefers these poems because they are children-friendly, short, and have simple vocabulary (Teaching Channel, 2020). The lesson aims to help students incorporate music and visual art in poems to make them more meaningful. The teacher helps the students connect their learning to their social studies. She engages the students by asking them to give different features of Haiku poems. The students also participate in a reflection activity, where they choose a color to describe it and draw an art of their chosen topic.

The teacher further engages the students in an art lesson. During the lesson, students make a 3D effect to support their Haiku poem using tissue paper, glue, and pastels (Teaching Channel, 2020). The art activities support a collaborative and interactive session, where students have fun trying different things to achieve the best presentation. The lesson supports critical thinking skills since the students use their imaginations to develop the desired presentation. The interactions promote knowledge development and idea sharing. Further, Miss Flo integrates a music lesson. The lesson allows students to interact with different musical instruments. The students have fun with the instruments, which helps make the best pieces of sounds and rhythm. The music lesson propels teamwork, supporting language growth.

Classroom Management Strategies

Miss Flo incorporates different class management strategies that make learning more effective and productive. One of her most appealing strategies is leading by example (Nagro et al., 2019). The teacher makes introductory remarks for all lessons and presents effective illustrations, guiding the students in their engagement and articulation of learned concepts. For instance, the teacher demonstrates how to make the 3D effect during the art lesson before giving students room to try things independently. The teacher also supports an exciting classroom atmosphere by making lessons interactive and allowing students to lead the lesson. Miss Flo allows the students to lead the lesson by asking them questions about specific topics as the lesson begins. She also encourages group activities, which steers interaction and collaboration among students.

Effectiveness of the Lesson

The teacher promoted effective connections between the academic content, music, and visual art. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher introduces the topic and encourages students to voice their different understandings of it. She later demonstrated how to make the poems more effective by incorporating visual arts and music. She guided the students in making the 3D effect and grouped them into smaller groups. In the group, the students had a chance to interact with different instruments and learn the sounds each instrument makes. Their activities helped the students understand which instruments fit best in a specific part of the poem.

Changes or Additions to the Lesson

Miss Flo incorporates the best strategies in the lesson, promoting a friendly learning atmosphere for the students. However, if the teacher changed some of her teaching strategies, the lesson would be more vibrant and entertaining, making it friendlier for student learning. For instance, the teacher could foster a sense of humor to make students entertain and increase their anticipation to learn. A learning setting that is too formal may be boring, making students lose interest. As such, a sense of humour makes learning more fun for students. The teacher could further support digital learning technologies in the lesson, which aligns the learning activities with students’ expectations. Students prefer engaging with technological materials, such as video techniques, as a teaching tool in this digital era.

Assessment of Understanding and Effectiveness

The teacher demonstrates different ways to assess student’s understanding and the effectiveness of her teaching strategies. Towards the end of the first lesson, the teacher gives the students sheets to brainstorm what she had taught about Haiku poems. At the end of the lesson, the teacher assesses students’ ability to integrate learned skills through the reflection part, where students incorporate different art and musical instruments in specific poems. The students’ ability to effectively present the art and music combination illustrates their understanding of the lesson.


Julia. (2020, October 11). What are the 8 elements of music? Jooya Teaching Resources. Retrieved from

Nagro, S. A., Fraser, D. W., & Hooks, S. D. (2019). Lesson planning with engagement in mind: Proactive classroom management strategies for curriculum instruction. Intervention in School and Clinic54(3), 131-140.

Teaching Channel,  (Director). (2020). The arts elementary music [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from


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To prepare a 3-page report, answer the following questions in the report.
Describes all of the elements of music OR movement that are used within the lesson.

Identifies the grade level and academic content taught within the lesson.

A Multifaceted Approach- Exploring Music and Movement Elements in a -Grade-Level- Lesson

Describes two classroom management strategies used within the lesson.

Describes how effective the lesson was in connecting music/movement to the academic content. How did the teacher make the connection?

Describes how you could extend or add to the lesson. Perhaps focus on
How can it be revised to fit an early childhood classroom?

I have attached an example.

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