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A Menu for a Fine Dining Restaurant

A Menu for a Fine Dining Restaurant

Fine dining restaurants are an example of restaurants that offer a full range of services. These restaurants have dedicated meal courses and are almost single operations in few locations of a country (Tran, Hol, Nguyen, & Simoff, 2017). Food types at fine dining restaurants are appealing. Additionally, it is seen that these restaurants have certain dining rules which customers are expected to adhere to after including the code of dressing.

Moreover, referred to as white table cloth establishments, it is seen that the fine dining restaurants are fancier restaurants which are higher end (Chen, Tsui, Chen, Tseng, & Lee, 2019). Different from cafes, casual eateries, and restaurants with family style, the fining dining restaurants caters to an upscale client experience. Additionally, this restaurant provides food of higher quality. More, in fine dining restaurants, there is always an atmosphere that is formal in that some people may view it as a sit down restaurant.

Also, in the fine dining restaurants, the menu present is usually fancier than most of the restaurants present today. In addition, it is seen that the fine dining establishments offer lists of wine and in most occasions sommeliers that is important in helping customers to pair their food and the wine (Tran, Hol, Nguyen, & Simoff, 2017). In most cases as seen earlier, these restaurants usually have a dressing code that everyone who visits them must adhere to.

The first thing that one notices in a fine dining is the calm atmosphere and its décor (Chen, Tsui, Chen, Tseng, & Lee, 2019). Fine dining are not places where one need to be loud and disorderly. Also, these restaurants are not placed where one goes dressing the way the feel like such as wearing ripped jeans and t-shirts. In most cases, jeans and t-shirts are prohibited in the restaurants’ premises. The dress code that is mostly preferred is such as collared shirts for men. Some fine dining restaurants may require men to where a sport jacket and tie .

On the flip side, the dress code that the ladies are supposed to wear is skirts and dresses or other nice clothing. It is seen that your may not be turned away for inappropriate dressing in some fine dining restaurants, however, some fine dining restaurants are seen to be strict on the dressing code. Therefore, the management of these restaurants may ask the customers to adjust their dressing and look nice and presentable.

Moreover, it is seen that the fine dining restaurants offers exotic menus that is interesting to the customers. For instance, some fine dining restaurants offer foods such as escargot (snails), foie gras (liver), beef carpaccio (raw beef), and many other food types. Therefore, customers who are not adventurous eaters and may not like some of these food types are advised to make sure that they are able to understand what they are ordering exactly from the fine dining restaurants.

In a fine dining restaurant, one may perceive to see that the portions in it are smaller than a casual restaurant. However, this restaurant generally offers food of higher quality than any other type of restaurants present in the industry.

Fine dining restaurants tend to be associated in the more expensive side. It is observed that the main course of meal in a fine dining restaurant mat cost you $20 or more (Jeong & Jang, 2019). These prices are different depending on some cities, which are even much more. In addition, the list of wines found in fine dining restaurants features expensive wine bottles (Barth, 2017). Therefore, customers and visitors are advised that before they make a reservation, they carefully check the prices of these items.

History of Fine Dining Restaurants

 Fine dining history is attributed to the French Revolution in the 18th century (ŞENEL, P., & YILMAZ, H, 2019). It was seen that the displaced chefs from aristocratic households led to the development of the modern restaurant dining that we enjoy today. The birth of fine dining began when these chefs added touches of upper class to their establishment.

During the French Revolution, guests were seen to dine with fine cutlery on table cloths. These are some of the trademarks of modern day fine dining. Menus of foods that could be ordered as separate items rather than part of a set meal or pre-selected list of dishes were framed for presentation. Guests were presented with a check at the end of the meals that included the total amount of cash they have to pay.

After the French revolution, there was the beginning of the rise in fine dining. In this period, significant fortunes were seen to be realized for these chefs who are professional turned into restaurateurs. These individuals catered to a new class of depute that visited Paris to the end of the Revolution. Before the French revolution, there were few restaurants in Paris. However, by 1814, a popular travel guide, Almanach des Gourmands listed 3,000 restaurants in the city. This led to the advancements of exotic fine dining restaurants which were established across Europe and abroad in the 19th century. This advancement was attributed to the increased travels across Europe. Towards the end of the 20th century, restaurants developed into those familiar concepts that we see today.

After Napoleon was defeated, rich Europeans visited Paris to get involved in the many gourmet options in dining. This dining option went worldwide towards the end of 19th century. In this period, advancement in travel stocked luxury tourism. This inspired those travelling to want to eat when they are away from home. Eating therefore became an art. The travel experience involved dining at famous cafes and establishments in Paris.

The year 1880 saw a partnership between a Swiss developer Cesar Ritz and Auguste Escoffier, a prominent French chef. This led to the development of the Grand Hotel of Monte Carlo. The hotel became the first place to offer luxury accommodations. Later, other hotels began developing across Europe. Therefore, French Restaurants went global in the 20th century.

Various nations pronounced it differently, but it all meant the same thing. The United States saw the massive development of fine dining restaurants by the end of the 20th century. This saw the introduction of world class fine dining restaurants and various other types of restaurants that we see today.

Fine Dining Restaurants Types

 Today, numerous types of restaurants are associated into different industry aspects. This is seen to be on the basis of the menu provides, the style, pricing, and the preparation methods of certain food types. Moreover, the customers are able to determine the classifications of these fine dining restaurants just by how the food is served to them.

Historically, restaurants were areas that provided tables and individuals had to sit down have a meal. These meals are served by a waiter. With the advancement of fast foods places, there was the development of the sit-down establishments. These sit down establishments refer to casual fine dining restaurants with table clothes.

Fine Dining Etiquette

 Contrary to popular belief, fine dining etiquette does not only involve dressing up. Therefore, when visiting these fine dining restaurants whether with a friends, family, or business associates, it is important to have the following aspects in mind. For instance, it is not advisable to put your phones or keys on the table. This is because phones distracts and detracts individuals from the fine dining atmosphere. Additionally, guests and customers are advised to ask for assistance during wine selection especially when you are not a wine expert. Moreover, guests and customers are advised not order a desired price range for wine loudly. However, they should indicate wine of same price on the provided list. Lastly, it is important not to make payments prior to your meal. This is advisable in order to prevent the awkward check grab at the after they have taken a meal.

Moreover, during a first visit to a fine dining restaurant, there is always a concern on the placement of napkins. To tell that we have reached the end of a meal, the napkin placement should go toward the left. Additionally, when one leaves the table during a meal for any reason, they should leave the napkin placed on the chair.

Menu in Fine Dining Restaurants

 Various individuals choose fine dining establishments for occasions that are special. Hence, these food types should always be of high quality in selection. In fine dining restaurants, one does not need a huge menu. Additionally, the menu should be interesting and offer unique food items that customers and guests would not find in any other restaurant.

The hallmark of the current fine dining experience is seen to from locally sourced food items. It is seen that the trend in fine dining menu has been top trending for the last decade since local produce, seafood, and meat are integrated into their menu in order to offer instant value.

Majority of fine dining restaurants offers menus that are pre-selected list of dishes. This menu is famously known as prix fixe menu. The prix fixe menu changes daily or weekly depending on various aspects. Additionally, selection of prix fixe menus always depends on locally sourced food items which are seen as fresh. To fit the season, chefs at fine dining restaurants are required to be creative when designing the food in the menu.

Moreover, the selections of wines and liquors in fine dining restaurants should be top notch (Barth, 2017). These high end selections are important so that it can appeal to the numerous guests and customers. Therefore, the management at fine dining restaurants should focus on top shelf liquors and wide cognac, brandies, and other after dinner drinks selection. Moreover, while selecting your wine choices, they must be able to complement the menu (Thompson & Barrett, 2016).

Customer Service

 In the fine dining restaurants, customer service experience is more attractive than in any other dining establishments present today. Therefore, customer service experience seen in fine dining restaurants goes beyond taking orders and food delivery (Park, M. H., 2018). In most of these restaurants, the staff is required to conduct various customer services approaches to the guest and customers visiting the restaurant.

For example, the employees are required to escort guest to their table while holding the chairs for ladies to sit on. Additionally, the staff needs to escort guests and customers to the restroom, replace linen napkins in the event a customer leaves the table, explain food types on the menu to the customers and guest without any reference, and serve food to the plate directly at the table (Park, M. H., 2018).

Moreover, the staff members in fine dining restaurants should be readily taught to answer any and all queries in the event a guest or a customer makes an inquiry about the food on the menu or the various types of wines (Park, M. H., 2018). Furthermore, staff members if asked, should be able to make recommendations on the menu that satisfies the customer. Therefore, in a fine dining restaurant, every detail, however small, needs maximum attention.


 Previously, fine dining experience was associated with arrogant waiters and French names. Currently, fine dining can be in form of any type of setting that features numerous varieties of local fare, cuisine, and organic aspects. In the fine dining restaurant atmosphere, it is important to include fine china flatware and glassware. Also, table cloths are expected. Additionally, to enforce the atmosphere in fine dining restaurants, it is essential to have a subtle music that plays at the background. This reflects to the theme of the restaurant.

The types of music that can be played in these restaurants are such as classical music for a traditional room or jazz standards for a modern setting. Moreover, the lighting technique enforced in fine dining restaurants should also be subtle. The lighting technique should be dim for a romantic ambiance. Fine dining restaurants requires a great detail attention. However, fine dining pays off well to the owners as long as your have adverse reservations in months. Therefore, the atmosphere in a fine dining restaurant should be able to go in handy with the theme that satisfies customer needs.

Starting a Restaurant

 Eating at a fine dining establishment is seen to be something special. This is because there are elegant staff that are well behaved, expensive wine aroma (Thompson & Barrett, 2016), fancy cutlery, and meals that are delicious. These aspects give guests and customers a sense of importance. Therefore, experiencing some of the best feelings and savory cuisines in fine dining restaurants require massive use of capital, perhaps more that what people are willing to spend in the industry. Moreover, there are numerous people that are willing to spend top cash in fine dining restaurants in order to have an optimal experience.

Even though majority of individuals do not flock into these restaurants for meals on weekdays, it is seen that the fine dining experience is mostly sought after by majority of the population during holidays and celebrations. If one finds a wealthy customer base, they are able to give fine dining restaurants higher insights to success.

When starting a fine dining restaurant, it is essential to consider various aspects first. For instance, it is important to select the extent of how your restaurant will be in terms of fanciness (Jeong & Jang, 2019). In the event these aspects are absent in your restaurant, it may lead customers and guests being turned off. It is important that before starting a fine dining restaurant, you should conduct research on the available competitors in the market. This will help you determine and set prices and formulate the menu effectively.

Another factor when starting a fine dining restaurant is determining suitable locations. Thereafter, it is essential to make your brand presence known. It is seen that the ideal environment or location of a fine dining restaurant are areas near the middle and upper class residential places. Additionally, these areas should be far away from possible competition of other fine dining restaurants.

Consequently, another aspect while starting a fine dining restaurant is by making sure you stock up the restaurant with the necessary equipment needed. Here, it is important that an owner purchases the best porcelain dinnerware and flatware. Also, it is important to choose exquisite table cloth covers. Furnishing the restaurant also requires an elegant furniture material which accompanies the glassware in the restaurant setting. This enhances the look and feel of the dining space you own.

Moreover, it is also essential to purchase restaurant equipment that is highly rated in the market. In fine dining restaurants, guest and customers expect the best quality services. Also, it in is important to create a list of wine types that can be able to match your style and foods on the menu.

Lastly, when developing a fine dining restaurant, it crucial to establish a good reputation. Therefore, customers and guest not only choose to eat at fine dining restaurants because of the quality of food, but also because of the services provided in these establishment. With this in mind, it is therefore subtle to establish the best reputation with the customers.

Fine Dining Restaurant Concept

 High cost, high style, and high class, it is seen that the fine dining establishments are associated by a formal dress code, exemplary services, and an air of elegance. In fine dining establishments, the menu is smaller and is seen to change daily or weekly depending on the flow of customers into the restaurant. The food menu in fine dining establishment is seen to be sourced from locally sourced food materials, meat, and sea foods.

Customer to these high end establishments are seen to enjoy an appetizer or salad and dessert. Additionally, prix fixe menu is majorly offered in most fine dining restaurants. Also, the customers visiting these fine dining establishments are able to enjoy the consumption of high quality wines (Barth, 2017). This is because; the restaurants seek to stock top shelf liquors, ages barrels, and cognacs.

It is also important to note that fine dining is usually not fixed to a single cuisine. However, Italian, French, seafood, and steak restaurants are often classified as fine dining establishments. Chefs in fine dining restaurants consider their meals as a piece of art. Therefore, dining in these establishments is meant to trigger customer experience, and not just for the sake of the food offered in the menu.

Price range in fine dining restaurants averages from $20 to $50 (Jeong & Jang, 2019). Populations that are most likely to dine in these establishments are of higher social class with a higher income spectrum of $100,000 or more.


 Fine dining restaurants are an example of restaurants that offer a full range of services. These restaurants have dedicated meal courses and are almost single operations in few locations of a country. The first thing that one notices in a fine dining restaurant is the calm atmosphere and its décor. Fine dining restaurants are not places where one need to be loud and disorderly. Moreover, it is seen that the fine dining restaurants offers exotic menus that is interesting to the customers.


Barth, J. E. (2017). Optimisation of wine and spirit inventory assets in fine dining restaurants. Handbook of Research on Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Travel Industry, 365-380. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1054- 3.ch017

Chen, Y., Tsui, P., Chen, H., Tseng, H., & Lee, C. (2019). A dining table without food: The floral experience at ethnic fine dining restaurants. British Food Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead- of-print). doi:10.1108/bfj-08-2018-0541

Jeong, E., & Jang, S. (. (2019). Price premiums for organic menus at restaurants: What is an acceptable level? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 117-127. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.06.020

Park, M. H. (2018). Relationships among the Service Quality, Service Value, and Customer Satisfaction in a Fine Dining Restaurant. ournal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, 33(6), 550-557.

Thompson, K. R., & Barrett, E. (2016). The millennial generation’s wine purchasing behaviors in casual-dining restaurants. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 19(5), 525-535. doi:10.1080/15378020.2016.1192871

Tran, J., Hol, A., Nguyen, Q. V., & Simoff, S. (2017). Fine dining restaurant framework development and survey. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e- Business and Telecommunications. doi:10.5220/0006417800830090

ŞENEL, P., & YILMAZ, H. (2019). Concept Restaurants. CITY TOURISM, 134.


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Design a Dine-in Restaurant or Fast-food Menu (Food related item) Item

A Menu for a Fine Dining Restaurant

In brief descriptions, apply the following parts of the Marketing Mix to your designed product/item of choice.  Feel free to be fictitious with your approach though persuasive in its description.

What is the (Product)? 

Be specific in your menu items possible features, ingredients, benefits, size, etc.

How much will consumers pay for the item? (Price)

Specify cost and why?

How will consumers find out about your product?  (Promotion)

Commercials, newspapers, coupons, internet, social media etc.  A possible new way? Specify.

Where will consumers buy your product? (Placement)

5 star restaurant, typical drive thru fast food establishment, food truck, etc.

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