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A FAQ Sheet on Ethics Basic

A FAQ Sheet on Ethics Basic

What are ethics?

Ethics are well-established right and wrong principles that recommend what people are supposed to do, typically in regard to duties, rights, societal benefits, precise virtues, and justice. Typically, ethics scrutinize the coherent justification for people’s moral judgments and address things that are ethically unjust, just, right, and wrong. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Why do ethics vary from person to person?

Ethics differ amongst people because varying factors determine what is significant to a person and what is not. Essentially, people come from varying cultures and have differing upbringings and life encounters, as well as various other inspirations. As a result, people will desire particular ethics depending on what is crucial to them.

What are the key features of consequentialist theories?

The major consequentialist theories’ features comprise some philosophies. Typically, the rightness or wrongness of an action is merely dependent on the outcomes that the action produces. When a deed produces good results, then it is regarded as right or better.

What are the key features of utilitarianism?

One of the features of utilitarianism is that the only thing that has intrinsic worth is happiness or pleasure. The second feature is that deeds are regarded as right depending on the extent to which they encourage happiness and conversely considered wrong depending on the degree to which they bring unhappiness.

What are the key features of ethical egoism?

The major features are self-interest and prompting personal good. Accordingly, people should chase their self-interest, and they are not obliged to endorse other people’s interests. As such, promoting personal good is always perceived as moral.

What are the differences between utilitarianism and ethical egoism?

As per utilitarianism, deeds are deemed ethical when they bring the greatest good for the highest number of individuals, and as a result, it revolve around the majority and their greater good (Van Staveren, 2007). On the contrary, in ethical egoism, an action’s morality depends on its effect on the self.


Van Staveren, I. (2007). Beyond utilitarianism and deontology: Ethics in economics. Review of Political Economy19(1), 21-35.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this first part of the project, you will be creating a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet highlighting Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism, which are two of the most well-known ethical theories. A FAQ sheet is a document that compiles a collection of information in the form of questions with their applicable answers. The goal of this sheet will be to provide some foundational information to the participants that they can take with them as they move through the Diversity Fair. It also works as a good conversational starter, as people who visit your booth will be covering various aspects of ethics.

A FAQ Sheet on Ethics Basic

You will need to establish a FAQ document and provide the following questions with their applicable answers.

What are ethics?
Why do ethics vary from person to person?
What are the key features of consequentialist theories?
What are the key features of utilitarianism?
What are the key features of ethical egoism?
What are the differences between utilitarianism and ethical egoism?

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