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A Critical Review of Current Peer-Reviewed Articles – Insights and Evaluations

A Critical Review of Current Peer-Reviewed Articles – Insights and Evaluations

The article “Specific Phobia” by Samra and Abdijadid (2019) discusses the details of specific phobia, a form of anxiety disorder involving the irrational fear of particular stimuli. The article offers a detailed description of the diagnostic criteria of DSM-5-TR. It also discusses reliable testing tools and evidence-based therapeutic methods such as CBT and exposure therapy. The focus on the involvement of other professionals in the treatment shows the role of psychiatrists, psychologists, and others in the treatment of certain phobias.

These are pre-Socratic observations of phobic phenomena, the psychoanalytical outlook specifically inspired by Freud, and the behaviorist approach to addressing the disorder. This article explains the neural mechanisms in the amygdala as well as other areas of the brain involved in the processing of fear. It defines different modes of treatment, such as systematic desensitization, CBT, and new forms of therapy like virtual therapy. Self-report measures like the Screen for Child Anxiety–Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) and the Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule (ADIS) are mentioned for their accuracy in the diagnosis of anxiety disorders.

The concepts addressed in this week’s course and textbook readings are anxiety disorders, their diagnostic criteria, and treatments, which correspond to the information presented in the article. The article’s historical approach optimizes the knowledge of improving anxiety disorder treatments in clinical practice, emphasizing the significance of using a combination approach. Based on the ideas discussed, the detailed analysis of the assessment tools and therapeutic strategies is most informative. The importance of the collaboration of different professional caregivers coincides with the concept of integrated care in mental health. Thus, the article succeeds in drawing attention to the need to consider both psychological and neurobiological features of phobias, as this knowledge is pivotal for creating effective treatment strategies. The discussion of innovative treatment approaches, including virtual therapy, provides a more positive outlook for the future of anxiety disorder interventions. However, knowledge about further development is always helpful.

Panic Disorder

The article by Cackovic et al. (2023), titled “Panic Disorder,” contains a clear description of the disorder, together with possible symptoms, causes, diagnostic criteria, therapies, and expected outcomes. It stresses aspects like diagnosis and management, which are integral for this common though complex condition.

Regarding this week’s course and textbook, the article is related to our discussions about anxiety disorders and how they affect the lives of people. It supports the earlier knowledge that panic disorder is defined by the sudden experience of intense fear, which may include somatic signs, demonstrating the psychological and physiological dichotomy of anxiety (Ram & Manjunatha, 2022). The focus on the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing is also in line with the course materials within which the necessity of using evidence-based diagnostic approaches was stressed.

In addition, the author goes further to explain the cause of panic disorder, including genetic factors, the chemical constitution of the body, and even neural circuits. These discussions are reminiscent of the previous lecture, where we learned about genetic and environmental factors in the development of mental health disorders, as well as the neural mechanisms involved in anxiety disorders.

The approaches of treatment described by the author, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy with the use of SSRIs and benzodiazepines, correspond to the effective interventions described in the course. The presence of an interprofessional team of healthcare providers supports the role of cooperation in mental health, which involves multiple disciplines when addressing a mental health disorder.

Considering these concepts, it is possible to conclude the significance of the presented issue and the need for integrated approaches to the identification and treatment of panic disorder. The article adds to the authors’ and readers’ knowledge about the nature of anxiety disorders and underlines the necessity of a patient-centered approach to the treatment of mental health issues.


Cackovic, C., Nazir, S., & Marwaha, R. (2023). Panic disorder. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Ram, D., & Manjunatha, N. (2022). Panic disorder in general medical practice- A narrative review. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 11(3), 861.

Samra, C. K., & Abdijadid, S. (2019, April 11). Specific Phobia.; StatPearls Publishing.


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Supporting Lectures:
Panic Disorder
In this assignment, you will review current scholarly journal articles and provide a critical evaluation of the studies by creating a synopsis of your findings. Scholarly journal articles are also referred to as primary sources or peer-reviewed articles.

A Critical Review of Current Peer-Reviewed Articles - Insights and Evaluations

A Critical Review of Current Peer-Reviewed Articles – Insights and Evaluations

Find and analyze two scholarly journal articles from the South University Online Library: one on phobias and one on panic disorder. Each article must have been published within the past five years. Other sources such as text (other than supporting citations), Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted.

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